Change usergroup if you are Admin, Mod or sMod


Hi DB Devs,

we've often problem that users do not get their activation email and then we have to move them manually to the registered usergroup.

Could you please think about a new addon which allows Moderators, sModerators and Admins to change the usergroup of a user from "unconfirmed" to "registered user" within the modCP?
Moderators and sModerators should not be able to change a usergroup of a user to Mod, sMod or Admin for security reasons.
This is still an admin task and should be done in the AdminCP from limited people only.

I hope you think about that suggestion.

Kind regards
Why you check for they emails, if they aren't important? Skip email check, all users will automatically become registered members. And of course, they still could receive emails, if they give you correct one.
Hi Alan,

the emails are important but sometimes are not being delivered. We have a huge amount of registrations and if our SMTP Server sends out a lot of activation mails some mail server hosters block our server because they think we send out spam mails ^^
For sure this is not the case.

So we are searching for a method to leave vbulletin like it is - meaning let it send out confirmation emails - but also allow the above mentioned usergroups to change a users group from unconfirmed to registered if needed (for example if we get a PM that the user requested his activation mail several times but does not get it).
I hope that makes it more clear?
Yes of course I understand, but I thought, if anyone (moderator, or supermoderator) could change usergroup, that maybe you don't need email check. Of course, users could give fake emails, but some always try to cheat system. There's no helping to that.
You can do what I've done, use vbShop. You can create "gifts" that only usergroups you want to have access to them can use. Then they can "gift" the usergroups you want to whoever is necessary. I handle all of my usergroup access through vbShop. =)