Bug Bing Crawl Errors

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Hello There,

I'm getting search engine crawl errors on pages that are not visible unless you are logged in. Even pages that require admin access. How do I make this stop?

Thank you,

That's working as intended. The fact that you are seeing 403 No Permissions errors means that search engines won't try to crawl those pages in the future, and the only reason why they're showing up in your GWT / BWT is the fact that DBSEO is sending 403 where before vBulletin did not.

You don't want to make it stop :)
As this ticket has received no further replies, I'll close it. If you have any further issues or queries, please feel free to start a new support ticket. Thanks!
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Legacy DragonByte SEO

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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