Bug Alert

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We have the settings so an alert is sent to user. The alert is being recived but there's not body to alert.

It should say who attemted and if they was successful or not.
If there’s a missing alert template, can you please tell me what generates it? What action?

Without this info I am unable to assist you.
If there’s a missing alert template, can you please tell me what generates it? What action?

Without this info I am unable to assist you.
When a user attempts to steal. They should get a message with who attempted and if they was successful or not. I'm the only one with access to templates and it hasn't been modified.

I Can can double Check what templates do I need to look for?
Last edited:
Uploaded the files again and updated the xml but sadly didn't fix anything.

When someone attempts to steal they get alert

When you try view the alert

Looks like the Alert method was not fully implemented. Have you tried changing the setting to Conversation?
Does the dbtech_shop_alert template not exist on your system?

Anything in the server error log?
Does the dbtech_shop_alert template not exist on your system?

Anything in the server error log?
    {xen:phrase dbtech_shop_x_failed_to_steal,        'user={xen:helper username, $user, 'subject'}',        'currencyTitle={$extra.currency.title}'}    {xen:phrase dbtech_shop_x_stole_y,        'user={xen:helper username, $user, 'subject'}',        'bankAmount={xen:number $extra.amounts.bank}',        'walletAmount={xen:number $extra.amounts.wallet}',        'currencyTitle={$extra.currency.title}'}
I've not had a chance to test this in greater detail yet, so no news to report yet. Sorry!

I'll keep this ticket open and post back if I need more information.
There is no newer version for XenForo 1.5. The XF1 version is not in active development, only the XF 2.1 version is in active development, which is (part of) why it's taking so long to look into this.

If I misunderstood and you're asking whether this issue exists in the XF 2.1 version then no, I don't believe so.
There is no newer version for XenForo 1.5. The XF1 version is not in active development, only the XF 2.1 version is in active development, which is (part of) why it's taking so long to look into this.

If I misunderstood and you're asking whether this issue exists in the XF 2.1 version then no, I don't believe so.
Yup, I'm on xenforo 1.5 and im using your addon version 6.0.4.

Hopefully at the end of the month I can upgrade my site and this will be resolved :)
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DragonByte Shop

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