Legacy Adding additional fields in listing page

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Akash Jain


I am looking at displaying some other fields on the listing of the classified.

These fields are captured while user register. So this is saved in the vbulletin database. Is it possible to display them there.
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It might be. What are you wanting to include? Specific things that apply to all vBulletin installs or something unique to your site?
Some interesting ideas here. I'll look at if there is a way we can do it properly, but in the mean time you might want to try inserting it manually into the templates where you want it by inserting something like this (I've not personally tested it yet):

{vb:raw bbuserinfo.fieldx}

Where fieldx is changed to the profile field you want (like field2, field12, etc).

Profile home page as in the web page they have or the profile page on the site?
Hi Mokonzi,

I want to display User's (who owns the listing) custom fields which I have added in User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field.
Hi Mokonzi,

I want to display User's (who owns the listing) custom fields which I have added in User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field.

The solution I posted in my post above (fieldx) would be the solution to this:

Hi Mokonzi,


The user profile page of vbulletin.

I'll need to check on this and get back to you. I imagine you could probably find it and grab it from another template that has a link to the User Profile page if you get there beforeI can. :)
Hi Mokonzi,

I tried with the method you told. There is an address field in the profile of the user which I want to display. But when I add through your method address field of the user browsing that listing is showing.
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So Basically Custom field of the user who has posted this ad should display like you are displaying username of the user who has posted the ad.

You are using this to display the username:

{vb:raw user.username}

But when I use it for custom field, nothing shows.
Hmmm. I see the issue. We load some information but not all into the user variable. I'll take a look at grabbing more information for the seller. Thinking back {vb:raw bbuserinfo.fieldx} will grab data from the user viewing the page.
Hmmm. I see the issue. We load some information but not all into the user variable. I'll take a look at grabbing more information for the seller. Thinking back {vb:raw bbuserinfo.fieldx} will grab data from the user viewing the page.

Hi Mokonzi,

Thanks a lot. That worked well.
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