
  1. B

    Question Problem with sweet menu

    Will use this mod on my site - Sweet Menu - vBulletin.org Forum but have problem with that ... vbslider causes that ... when i disabled instance for vbslider ... sweet menu works fine have you some solutions? attached image to show problem...those links menu bar) should be on side of forum...
  2. S

    Question How to turn on vBSlider

    I'm not sure how to turn on vBSlider. I believe I have to turn it on from Forum Settings, but I don't see Forum Settings to begin with. I believe I am also supposed to see forum and CMS settings here as well. I have made sure to enable permissions to edit vBSlider under administrator and...
  3. G

    Bug Crashing of datavbase server.

    I am having a problem when installing vBNotifications to my server. When importing the xml file I get the following errors... Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (HY000/2006): MySQL server has gone away in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 1393 So you can see what line 1393...
  4. C

    Legacy styling with glyphs

    I've been on a site optimization kick the past couple weeks. One of the things that I noticed is vbSlider is using a sprite with the images for the play, pause, etc. buttons which are selected based on the color skin that is selected per instance. I think a similar feature (changing the skin...
  5. C

    Legacy Image Optimizer

    First I really really like how vbSlider grabs all the external images and hosts them locally. By doing that, it puts control back into the admin's hands of what is being displayed. Not surprisingly, I found that most of the images being posted in threads are not optimized. So I have been able...
  6. C

    Legacy Option to not load jquery

    I noticed with some of the various dbtech mods I'm running that they all are loading jquery. I had 4 jquery requests coming from my home page! It would be nice to ad an option like there is on vbslider to not load jquery if it is already loaded by another mod.
  7. HaZaRd

    vBSlider position

    Before buying the product I would like to know if it's possible to place the slider in the upper right, like the image. Thank!
  8. R

    Question Slider Not Working

    I was wondering why VbSlider will not function until you login to the forums. If I visit the forums as unregistered it just shows the loading icon. I login then it will show the content.
  9. C

    Question slide show instance as a forum block and/or widget

    Is there a way to deploy an instance of the slider as a forum block (and widget)?
  10. C

    Question Not Using Attachments

    I noticed this on my test site as well but decided to ignore it... for some reason, the settings in instance management pertaining to using the first attachment don't see to work. For example this thread only has an attachment and it is displaying in the slideshow right now with the "no...
  11. C

    Question Just upgraded forum and getting database error

    Just upgraded my forum to 4.2.2 and when I upgrade and enable vbslider I am getting the following database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT thread.threadid, thread.title, thread.dateline, forum.forumid, forum.title_clean as forumtitle, post.pagetext AS message...
  12. C

    Bug CMS slider widget script conflict

    I've got an instance of the slider on my forum home which works perfectly along with the parallax javascript (a custom add-in) that I run. However on the CMS page, one or the other slider/parallax fails. I think the only time the parallax script works is when it is using a cached version...and...
  13. Nxt

    Question How do I get the images pulled from a blog to show on the slider?

    I see the blogs showing up but it doesn't pull any images from the blog. Even 1 image would work. Chicagoland Reefs - Chicagoland Reefs
  14. LEE2oo

    Bug Uh Dont understand this ?

    Damn...Edit Sorry guys got it working now didnt know it worked in conjunction with the Gallery lol Thanks anyway, still happy ! Just one question I can not get the Slider background colour to change on the Hex codes tried several times, want it black and its stuck on a white background ?
  15. CoZmicShReddeR

    Legacy External Image Cache Prune

    I just got some automated warning from Godaddy gave me a list of file directories exceeding some file limitation threshhold... One of which was the 3,601 ./html/dbtech/vbslider/images/externalimages/ I seriously do not think this should be an issue but rather than having to deal with them...
  16. M

    Question Suhosin

    hi, I can not run after installation. There is a problem with Suhosin. Below message. wait for help. - - - message; You Appear to have Suhosin installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBSlider to work CORRECTLY. Please note that if you have a...
  17. S

    Question VBSlider Number license imput problem

    Hi I have pourchased today a VbSlider licence I have complete all the forms before download it. I have upload an re installed xms product I put in the form : "Branding Free Key If you have purchased a Branding Free licence, you may enter the key found in its Readme file here." my license...
  18. S

    VBSlider 3.0.1 for VB 3.8.X - Variable {vb:raw show.vbslider_instance1} dont work

    Hi I am testing the VBSlider Lite version before boy the pro version. I want to know if I can add manually the variable to place to Slider in any template / place. I trayed to put the {vb:raw show.vbslider_instance1} but dont works, the format {vb:xxxxxx} is complatible with 3.8.5??? Becouse...
  19. OUTL4W

    Bug not seeing all the settings

    according to the vb slider manual: there are no sub-folders within the vb4 xml folder located the zip file. I uploaded all files twice and imported and did an overwrite on the vb4 xml file but only see settings for don't see nor don't see any settings for custom content and I have cmod...
  20. T

    Question How to globaly display vBSlider

    How do i set the vBSlider to show on ever single page on my forum? I tried to add {vb:raw show.dbtech_vbslider} in some templates but that didnt work, thanks in advance.