
  1. B

    Bug Notification Links not showing

    Hello, After upgrading to 6.2.18 all notifications in the shoutbox return the below example. The link to the thread/post is not displayed correctly. *{ } used in replace of bbcode bracket for example. I have reinstalled 6.2.18 with a fresh download and problem has not resolved. Thank you.
  2. P

    Legacy Needs scrollbars

    just starting trying this one out. right offhand ive noticed, the hover box automatically hides the lower content?? this should be scroll bar on there.....i tried applying overflow:scroll a few places but didnt see a change.... EDIT: FIXED also, i noticed it does not work globally or if...
  3. 1quicksi

    Question eRROR

    Just installed and got an error when trying to "save all" when uploading an image. Not Found The requested URL /forums/dbtgallery.phpdo=view_image&id=1&gal=gallery was not found on this server.
  4. R

    Question vb downloads slow download speeds

    Hi, I run an intranet website with vbulletin and vbdownloads to distrbute internal software. How come I only get download speed 150-300 kb/s from files in vbdownloads but get 2.5 to 3.0 MB/s when im downloading files attached in forum threads. Everyone is experiencing the same issue from the site.
  5. F

    Question How to resize/change the "Thanks_Block"

    I would like to change the design of the upper stats block, I would like to make it smaller and perhaps horizontal instead of vertical. Maybe something more like this (this was photoshopped)
  6. P

    Question Which sitemap URL for Google Search Console?

    Hello, What URL do I need to enter at Google Search Console and robots.txt? https://www.example.com/dbseositemap.php or https://www.example.com/store_sitemap/dbseo_sitemap_index.xml.gz many make it different, I want to know what is best. Regards
  7. A

    Question Can the slides be videos?

    Hi! Can the slides be videos? I have a few MP4 vids that I´d love to put there. Thanks! G.-
  8. ikymbo

    Question Duplicate title tags

    How can I solve this problem? these problems started when using DBSEO now my forum is indexing content very slow (2 - 3 weeks every thread) when in the past, each thread indexed in hours! Note: im using DBSEO 2.40 Lite
  9. GeekyPhilip

    Upgrading to VB 5.3

    Hello, I am looking at upgrading from VB 4 to VB 5. Do Post thanks and AJAX threads work correctly with the latest VB5 Version? Is there an upgrade option as I already have licences for your products? Thanks
  10. B

    Question no smilies button

    . HI ! ..as title I've installed vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a8 lite but cant see the smiles button/icon to add them in the shout message ..is it a NO feature of the shoutbox or is there a way to get it up ?? thank you !
  11. 1quicksi

    Question Donation bar frozen

    When users make a donation the status bar does not indicate that any donations have/were made. It just sits at zero. How do I unfreeze it?
  12. Saladin1980

    Question Get to "suggestions" page?

    I know may be some where on how to do this. I have fixed nav and such but i have not seen a way to "suggest" a stream on the site? Is it more coding i will need to add to the listing?
  13. O

    Bug Error When Saving Points Settings

    After a upgrade from vb 4.2.2 to vb 4.2.5 I get this error when trying to save points settings: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 76 in /forum/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_dm_type.php #0 /forum/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php(373)...
  14. C

    Question testing hashtags

    #vbulletin #mod hash tags don't seem to work....... :(
  15. J

    Question Can't import any games

    In the "Browse Games" section, only Armor is available and when I click Begin, it says "There was a problem reading the games feed."
  16. M


    Have installed DBSeo today. But Sitemap won't generate Error: Missing site. on line 51 in /var/www/vhosts/elo-forum.org/httpdocs/dbtech/dbseo_pro/cron/sitemapdata.php (code: 0) I do not caching anything....
  17. ikymbo

    Bug DBSEO is changing the meta description for a radom comment

    i dont know what is happening but i just updated the mod and i have this problem! Plz help me! here a example: Extreme Injector | Inyecta tus dlls, Funcional en W10 - W8 - W7 - XP
  18. M

    Question Asking about Gallery feature

    Hi I want to buy DB Gallery, but want to ask about an issue before. I need to create an album by any team users, but want to give the permissions to other members of our team to add images to it, is it possible? and if some of team members not moderator but member of photograph team? Thanks.
  19. H

    Global Branding Free

    I tried to post a ticket but kept getting an "invalid id" error message. I have a global branding free license for vbulletin. Will it transfer to Xenforo?
  20. I

    Question import thanks from vb3 to vb4?

    hello, trying to troubleshoot during a live upgrade here... ive dont it before in test but i must have done something different... i try to run the import script by url and it tells me "invalid action" ive tried even php5.6 fail... i upgraded to vb4 before hand tho, is it still possible to...