
  1. neounix

    Legacy Options for Multiple Sitemap Indexes and Sitemap Directories

    We installed the update today and all went smoothly. Thanks. Great job. We have custom code in place (just a quick hack, no options, settings, yet) which changes the directory of the sitemaps based on the name of the index file. $neo_sitemap_path =...
  2. liebherr

    Question Upload images from creating a post

    Hello everyone. The possibility exists that attachments and are stored in the gallery? You can upload a picture writing a post? A greeting.
  3. C

    Bug Problem with per forum criteria

    Hello, I would like to create 2 Criteria: Posts >= 1 in Forum A Posts >= 1 in Forum B But, I can't because of message:The Criteria: 'Posts >= 1' already exists. I think that in PRO version test for existing condition should include also dbtech_vbactivity_condition.forumid column. Thanks for your...
  4. neounix

    Bug Too few arguments in /var/www/dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/thread.php on line 440

    FYI: # cat php.errors [18-Dec-2013 12:28:37] PHP Warning: sprintf() [<a href='function.sprintf'>function.sprintf</a>]: Too few arguments in /var/www/dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/thread.php on line 440 [18-Dec-2013 12:40:13] PHP Warning: sprintf() [<a...
  5. Z

    Question Slider not appearing with auto insert, CMPS module question

    After downloading and uploading the files to my website, and importing the product, I've enable the auto insert option to the "Above Forums" positions and configured the plugin yet the slider is not appearing at all. I'm also wondering if there is a CMPS module available for this slider?
  6. W

    Bug Add Tab only has vbulletin option as default

    I hope somebody can help me with this very weird issue. I have been using Navtabs for as long as I can remember and had a functioning drop down menu for my Care sheets and User CP. Around a week ago all images that my members upload show as attachments with a number and to troubleshoot mods...
  7. T

    Bug vBulletin Database Error!

    Just wanted to mention that a vBulletin database error occurs whenever someone quotes a member who has a ' in their username.
  8. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Latest beta8 is giving an unterminated comment error class_core.php line 6091

    Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 6091 in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 6091 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 6092 switched in an...
  9. limits

    Bug bbcode charge when the content is image error

    alternative for the other problem i have whit pay for upload image in new thread, i want to use this on but is also not working, after click the paybutton you dont see the image, only like this, but no image.
  10. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO When Tags Are Multiple Words

    Hi. Just noticed that DBSEO rewrite for v3.8 is used for tag, it works fine if the tag is a single work. However, if the tags is more than one work, an error is generated. I have attached two screenshots to illustrate this. One is a single word tag (works fine).. the other is a multiple...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug Add the users to usergroup

    add the users to usergroup does not working, I am doing update via Administrator Interface.
  12. M

    Dropbox Integration

    Hello, Our company works with large video files from CCTV systems. My clients need an easy way to upload videos to me for analysis. I've been looking for a way to use Dropbox within vBulletin. I'm sure everyone is familiar with DropBox.com. Here are some highlights: Create there own user...
  13. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Error when trying to import xml on install

    Getting this error when trying to import xml for beta8: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dbtech_dbseo_urlhistory` ( `setting` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `regexpformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `rawformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL...
  14. S

    Legacy Suggestions

    1. It would be nice to be able to Select/Deselect All for the Mailing List Permissions selections in each column, instead of having to go down each column and tick tick tick all those boxes. In many cases it is easier to tick them all then untick the ones you don't want ticked... OR... untick...
  15. XGC Paravain

    Question For Fillip H.

    Mite as well just hold on to that login info ;) Hopefully it wont get that far lol but I will start this Mod tomorrow I need to re-upload the shoutbox
  16. XGC Paravain

    Question Automatic fresh

    How can I get the Forumon RPG to refresh automatically I guess adding Ajax Thread to it like Final Fantasy Forums has theirs? The reason why I asked this is because I am messing around with Final Fantasy Forums Forumon RPG and my ForumonRPG and its completely different, Final Fantasy Forums...
  17. XGC Paravain

    Question Uploading Addon Quadripeds

    Ok quick uploading question I got the Quadripeds addon and there is no read me file I am assuming I upload the dbtech folder that's in the upload folder to my root then import the XML file adminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/Import Product?
  18. Tornike55

    Bug Remote server or file not found

    hello, i have problem when i add chanel have Twitch.Tv - Game Community Remote server or file not found anyone can help me ? pls i can't add chanel got error what is problem can help pls ? :(
  19. P

    Bug Shoutbox doesnt load

    hello i updated my forum to 4.2.2 vbulletin and now the vbshout doesn't work it says only loading and doesn't load anything :( https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwwhlea1v9di3gp/Screenshot%202013-11-24%2014.00.52.png
  20. Steris56

    Bug Settings not Showing

    In ACP the drop down menu Dbt-tech custom nav below is general setting when i click on that it comes up with a blank page .. now when i go to options and find the mod i bring up the all the setting that way how can i fix this thanks not sure if this is a bug or not