
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Two-Factor Authorisation

    Hello Please can you add option for forum login Second Level Password?Provides a feature for users of forum to request a code via email on login, which is then needed to complete the login process.Please can you Integration or Implement Second Level Login And Infinity: Dual Authentication This...
  2. San

    Legacy Countdown Date

    How would I change, the day ending of the countdown date?
  3. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug vBDownloads v1.4.0b1 On a Fixed Templete

    First and for most thanks for working on this as this is a crucial part of a forums popularity as I have had in the past on my PHPNuke websites the download manager was very popular and it was very robust which is what I would like to see happen with this vBulletin mod for it to have wonderful...
  4. K

    Bug Auto confirm not working

    Hi, another problem came up today: the auto confirm seems not to work. A user contributed today but I still had to confirm the donation manually. Use can still use the ACP account I sent you via PM. It's still active. Which settings have to be made in the PayPal account? Chris
  5. S

    Do you have a demo site other than here?

    Hi there, I would like to see what the Dragonbyte MMO skin looks like without any plugins installed and running. Do you have a demo page where I can see your themes in "plain Jane" mode?
  6. SteveRobWhatever

    Legacy vBSlider and Zoints Topic Tags.....Possible?

    We use the zoints topic tag feature on our site to create rss feeds for our tags and to catalog our news. Is there a way to point the slider to display the threads and images from threads tagged with a specific tag?
  7. G

    Bug Error Number : 1060 - Duplicate column name 'screenshot'

    MySQL Error 1060 during reinstall - Duplicate column name 'screenshot' I try to install this mod on my test-forum (some month ago I already installed the lite version), but I get mySQL error after xml-file import: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE dbtech_downloads_fileinfo ADD COLUMN `screenshot`...
  8. O

    which mods?

    Hi, In the attached photo you have the following functions in your posting form: Wrap [h] tags around selected texts Wrap [vbslider] tags around selected texts Wrap [hide] tags around selected texts Wrap [charge] tags around selected texts Can you please tell me as to which Dbtech mod(s0...
  9. craig1985

    Question Notifications as Links?

    Hi guys we have the Lite version installed and everything working good but I was just wondering about something. Any time the Administrator posts a reply or starts a new topic, the notifications on the shoutbox appear as link but whenever anyone else posts it is just showing as text. Is there...
  10. K

    Bug Forum Manager Not Saving

    I found this post: I am running PHP: 5.3.18 I do not see a max_input_var So I don't think that is my problem? Unless it's listed some other way? I tic the forums I want to SAVE and nothing happens...the...
  11. amy-t

    Legacy Topic creation for new scores

    I have the topic creation option set to create new topics when a score is made. What would be nice is if it created one topic per game and all the new scores go into that one topic instead of creating new topics for each score.
  12. V

    Unsure where to post?

    I have a few questions. #1 . The PayPal I use for the site is not linked to my username here is that a problem for purchasing? #2 . I would like to get Lifetime on all the plugins but don't want to wait that long. I was thinking go Pro on each plugin for 3 months and extend them as the funds...
  13. L

    Legacy Active Topics

    Matt asked me to post this up here. An idea.... On my forum 99% of people use this: /search.php?do=getdaily&days=7&contenttype=vBForum_Post It would be fantastic to have that in a tab.
  14. D

    Attachments Gallery

    A Gallery (widget for CMS, Block for vbadvanced, Forum-Sidebar-Block) for the last x Attachments from the forum (not gallery!) If the attachment is clicked, it brings you direct to the posting. possible settings in the ACP: 1. Layout: - horizontal - vertical - table 2. Number of attachments 3...
  15. chatty

    Legacy Import Files from a directory into VBDownloads ?

    Hi there, hmm wondering why that is not a standard feature in that mod . :) File Upload are a good choice but if you have files greater than 90 or 100 MB you are running into a Timeout. IMHO it is a better way to upload Files per FTP into a Directory on your Webserver and import those files...
  16. D

    Mediawiki-Bridge for 4.x and MW 1.16+

    Hi there! It would be nice, if you guys can work on bridging a Mediawiki (starting 1.16) with vBulletin (starting v4.x), since there is no working solution for combine both powerfull scripts. - single sign-in - Wiki-Articles (number) shown in Postbit/Userprofil - Direct linking from the...
  17. Batskes

    Question Sub Categories

    Hi there just a quick question regarding the forum tabs. I have MULTIPLE sub forums that go quite deep for navigation IE Gaming > Gaming Discussions > First Person Shooters > Counter Strike > Counter Strike: Global Offensive My problem is I want to create simple forum tabs to ONLY show up with...
  18. Batskes

    DBTech and vB5?

    Hey guys quick question. I'm most likely going to be upgrading as soon as I can to vB5 (already have purchased) and currently use your mods on 4.2, love them and am ready to upgrade to full versions for a few. But, now due to vB5, I'm just wondering if you guys will be offering free upgrades...
  19. T

    Stealth Moderation - Moderated Posts are visible to OP

    I have a spam problem on my site, so our moderation filter is fairly aggressive. Naturally, that creates a lot of false positives, and members get pissed when they see a message about how their post has been flagged as possible spam. What if moderation worked like Global Ignore, so that the...
  20. T

    Upgrade to Prevent Spam Posts plugin

    The Prevent Spam Posts plugin is a neat tool that can be used for more than just stopping spam. On my forum, the community has a problem with off-topic political arguments derailing threads, so by adding political keywords to the filter those posts are sent to moderation and deleted. The same...