
  1. R

    Question Buttons stopped working

    After upgrading to 3.2 the buttons fail to work. when you hover over them you see a javascript in the bottom left of firefox. I thought they had been working but due to symptoms from an apache memory limit I accidentally set in WHM was trying to reinstall vb and could not complete the...
  2. T

    Question Postbit missing Icon

    I have the 'Show Send Pm In Postbit?' option set to Yes however all that is displayed in the postbit is: Send PM I seem to be missing this icon
  3. Mike Carter

    Question Increase font size of text entry bar

    How can I increase the size of the font where you type a shout? As shown here: Thanks :)
  4. R

    Question installation and configuration errors in relation with dbseo

    Hi, Would you mind checking up the forum for the installation errors of vbdownloads. I did a fresh installation of the vbdownloads, however, I already have downloads folder inside the forum directory for downloads II. While visiting a page, blank page appears. I tried to change the directory...
  5. H

    Question Little help on how to use reviews

    I've finally gotten a chance to really work on this mod to hopefully get it to do what I want it to, but I'm obviously not understanding it completely, especially the part about instances. Let me say what I want to do and maybe someone can walk me through it. We have a bunch of threads in an...
  6. GoodApples

    Bug Gallery - Branding Free Key not working

    Branding Free key not working. It did work up until updating to 1.3.1 Also note under Gallery System: System Version 1.3.0 ...not sure if this has something to do with my issue of uploading and getting the Missing Image pic
  7. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  8. B

    Bug Created emails don't like commas?

    When vBMail processes the text of a created one to send, it removes any commas used within the body of the text. Example: If I typed "We're ready to announce..." It arrives as an email and it says "Were ready to announce..." If I typed "We've just released..." It arrives as an email and it...
  9. seventhaxis

    Question Shorten Date on vbarcade_home_stat

    I'm very interested in having the date for both Latest Scores and Latest Champions (on the arcade home) shortened to just show the date. The statistics page is fine but date format on the arcade homepage is adding an unsightly extra break in the formatting due to the amount of text (i.e. January...
  10. greenlinenshirt

    Question Copyright Question

    I had a question about copyright text. I know I can't remove it without buying the branding free option. But what are the rules on editing it at all? I am using vBCredits & vBShop (both pro) and some of the info is double and kinda long. This is what it looks like now: It's currently centered...
  11. V

    Legacy Option Classifieds (AdminCP): why don't create?

    Why when creating the Options not already done creating values ​​with check-boxes, radio buttons and multiple choice? see cars.com, ebay.com, for example the sale of a the Car is impossible to identify Cars complectation (cars features) of checkbox or radiobuttons, I am the admin can not create...
  12. greenlinenshirt

    Question Change vBShop to Store?

    I figured out how to change the NAVBAR link from vBShop to Store but when I click on it, it still says vBShop. Is it possible to change all instances of "vBShop" and change them to "Store" ? Thanks for the reply in advance.
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Banner Dimensions

    Banner Dimensions Border does not working correctly and block ads massage image showing on same time.
  14. T

    Bug Replace URL with Titletag still now work after upgrading to rc3

    Hi The auto url replacement with title tags still do not works on RC3 . even with our internal links . the problem now ,is the old threads with many urls : some urls are even not clickable and are just text . Tryied also to post a signle link on a post and the featuer not work .
  15. bidorbuy

    Question remove images from "like" and 'Thank'

    We have purchased Advanced Post Thanks / Like L.THANKS.LIFETIME I am still setting it up in a demo environment, but underneed each post it displays the text "like" and 'Thank' and to the right a small image. How do we completely remove the image and change the text colour? Kind Regards
  16. T

    Bug Thousands of .txt files in vbshout/aop

    What on earth is the dbtech/vbshout/aop good for? I have files in there dating all the way back to June of 2013. That seems a little much. The vbshout archive cutoff is 12 hours so why is all this other info being saved into .txt files. Screenshot by Lightshot Is it safe to clear that folder...
  17. A

    How do i edit

    Hello i was wondering where i can edit the color of the things in these two pictures to make them more visible. 52dbb6821da7e8da276c25f0a451c91b.png 80a0b01c9058dadbaae99452d8654059.png the title of the threads in the first and the number of the pages on the second
  18. M

    Bug Hundreds of these errors (maybe thousands)

    Hi all, Just thought I would mention this, my server load has been all over the place lately and can only put it down to DBSEO or the DB LIKES THANKS HACK. as nothing else is new... but I have been getting load spikes of 20+ infrequently just random crazy spikes then zombie processes in the...
  19. C

    Bug CMS slider widget script conflict

    I've got an instance of the slider on my forum home which works perfectly along with the parallax javascript (a custom add-in) that I run. However on the CMS page, one or the other slider/parallax fails. I think the only time the parallax script works is when it is using a cached version...and...
  20. C

    Bug Edit Image Trouble

    When editing an image description after hitting the submit button the text becomes unformated. For example before: After: Hope this makes sense, any ideas how to fix? Thanks, Craig