
  1. Glen Green

    Bug forum block not showing

    Not exactly a bug with the product, but when I enable the everywhere sidebar mod, the live feed forum block dosent show up, and like the idea of being able to change status no matter which page our users are on.
  2. B

    Question Integration does not work on sidebar or profiles

    Integration does not work on sidebar or profiles, you can arrelrase? sorry for my English
  3. IcEWoLF

    Question Live wall is making my site so slow...

    With Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/22/12 05:40:27 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/22/12 05:40:35 Without Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/23/12 04:30:07 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles...
  4. GoodApples

    Legacy Status Multiple-Line Text Box & Image, Video and Emotions

    See Here Single-Line Text to Multiple-Line Text Box Request to have this option. The option to have a Image/Picture , Video and Emotions would be cool too. :) Edit: I noticed currently the textbox is a different length depending on the length of the message. Maybe this could be addressed...
  5. W

    Legacy Tournaments

    hy guys this is my first post on your forums, great products and a big thanks for you lite mods. so after installing vBArcade lite on my local host, i saw a feature to be missing that i think is very important. that is to include torunament ladders for a prticular game score etc. a particular...
  6. A

    Bug CSS problem with fixed style

    I guess I have a problem with CSS on custom fixed vb style. This statistic looks goon on fluid forums, but not fixed ones.
  7. savraot

    Bug Forum Widget breaks my Style after Update to 2.0.2

    After APTL Update from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 the Forum Widget breaks my Style. Is this a Bug or Stylevar changes for upcomming vb 4.1.8? With 2.0.1 there was all O.K with the Widget.
  8. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    DEAR sir I need your help first question is after I import the thanks hack data from 3.x system, there is no value from there but here I can show how many people thanks to this post , and there is no thanks button like the yours. what should i do next ? and last one , I am going to...
  9. N

    Legacy A few suggestions

    I have a few suggestions/requests for future versions, which I belive the majority of people who use this hack would like to have. 1) Ability for people to edit/delete staus (this should be configurable by usergroup permissions). Also be able to edit/delete status of other users in 'status...
  10. Taurus

    Ajax thread suggestion/question

    I have been looking at your new Ajax thread mod, and it looks great. I just have a suggestion/question. Is it possible to somehow add something that will show members when a topic is 'hot'? So they can jump in and join the conversation. Something like a small blinking 'hot' icon wherever a...
  11. MudRacing

    Question Blocks template fix?

    The side blocks have a strange background color, Can I fix? Thanks
  12. kfyonur

    Legacy Shall we show leader board on sidebar.

    I want to put leaderboard in forum home page.Shall I show leader board on sidebar also i couldn't see any statics in Hall Of Fame why ?
  13. M

    Bug template shop

    i have a problem with the home page of the shop: MMORPGITALIA all other pages work: MMORPGITALIA
  14. E

    Question Add shout box to right forum blocks?

    How can i move this from top or bottom only and add it to the forum blocks area?
  15. jl255

    Question Stop shopping cart floating?

    The floating shopping cart notification overlaps my items on the right. How do i stop it from floating?
  16. L

    Legacy Activity monitor

    can a block be added to the forum sidebar blocks that would show the current activity in the arcade who is playing, new scores etc... so at a glance users can see the activity in the arcade, kind of like a scrolling scoreboard but with more info
  17. racersimage

    Legacy Giving out new selected award should show up in dropdown by default.

    When I want to manage users for a particular award and then on that same page listing the users for that award I want to click to hand out that award to new users, the following page should by default, have that award selected in the dropdown list so all I have to do is enter the usernames and...
  18. Freekoid

    Legacy Category Ideas

    Revise tabs / category display Main arcade page Favourite tab
  19. Vcize

    Bug Links are not clickable

    I just installed the mod on a test site. The links do not appear to be registering in the shop. Clicking "visit shop" or "purchase item" depresses the button, but no page load or re-direct is actually attempted. You can log in to view this with the user below: username: testuser pass: testpass
  20. W

    Bug Member Info template

    Hi I have installed vBActivy and everything seems to have worked fine, except one thing. On our members profile pages we now have an error. The error is the way the pages now show. The mini stats bar has been pushed down and we now have a horizontal Thanks/Likes bar and activity log in between...