
  1. H

    Question dbtech_thanks_entry and Innodb

    I'm still having problems with the Thanks mod and slow queries. I tried changing the dbtech_thanks_entry table to Innodb and the query time went from 1 - 2 seconds to 9 - 10 seconds. Any idea why this happened? What tables can be changed to innodb for this mod that will help with the slow queries?
  2. M

    DB error

    customer area Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42S02/1146): Table 'dbtech_forum.vb_dbtech_vbecommerce_siteprofile' doesn't exist in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391 Database Error Database error The DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons database has encountered...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Optimises Option

    Hello Please can you try to add more Features for vB Optimise Professional Version? Add Simplify if possible. Features: CSS Optimiser (Inline Small CSS) Javascript Optimiser ( Defer parsing of JavaScript and Minify JavaScript) HTML Optimiser ( Minify HTML) Attachment Optimiser Combine images...
  4. Spinball

    Bug Maintenance -> Recalculate takes way too long

    Installed the lite version and ran the maintenance -> recalculate function. With the default 1000 per page, it crashed the database server. I reduced it to 100 per page and the whole process was likely to take lots of hours. Probably most of a day. Also with the plugin enabled, the forums...
  5. blinkster

    Question How To For Blind People

    Think i am blind or having a blonde moment or both BUT how can i or do make one or more usergroup not have to click thanks to get attachment but keeping the button there if they choose too. Fiddled around with the settings and just not seeing it.
  6. A

    Question dbtech_thanks_entry slow queries n load

    We are having issues with sql queries from dbtech_thanks_entry taking much time and getting db response slow and load on server. I have attached few queries to show the queries taking up much time to execute. Kindly let us know how this can be fixed asap - And also we had upgraded to better...
  7. F

    Bug Memory exhaustion error in class_core.php

    My users are reporting getting an error message when trying to use the advanced reply feature in my forum. As background I downloaded and hotfixed the latest version of class_core.php and thanks.js yesterday. I guess I should go back to the earlier version of class_core.php but I hope this...
  8. Freekoid

    Bug trouble with install

    my .htacess file is at top level and correct yet when I import xml I get the copy+paste into .htaccess?!
  9. T

    Bug Shop Beneficiary query bug

    When creating a shop, if you set the Shop Beneficiary to -1 (which is the default value), vBShop will show a message No User Matched Your Query.
  10. W

    Bug Database Error on updating counters / processing transactions

    I have just updated a users credits, and it then came up saying I need to update the counters. I clicked it and selected 'Process Transactions'. It then came up with a database error showing the following: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: ; MySQL Error : Query was empty Error...
  11. S

    Question phpmyadmin

    Hi, Is it possible to reset the games in phpmyadmin so that i can set the games as all high scores? As most of the games are actually set at low score .. I ask this as i have 2,119 games to look at ...:eek: Thanks ...
  12. S

    Bug You have 1 new Award

    Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM customprofile WHERE userid='0' ORDER BY title /**customprofile- member**/; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause' When I click my new award in notifications,this is what happens. Also on top of that in my admincp my options seem to be doubled. "...
  13. V

    Unsure where to post?

    I have a few questions. #1 . The PayPal I use for the site is not linked to my username here is that a problem for purchasing? #2 . I would like to get Lifetime on all the plugins but don't want to wait that long. I was thinking go Pro on each plugin for 3 months and extend them as the funds...
  14. mirageboss

    Bug Moderation + Tagging/Mentions Bug

    Hi DBTech, I installed the plugin as a trial, but found when a tagged post had been soft-deleted, the user could still see the mention/tag in their "notifications" tab, and also on their profile. When the thread was moved to a hidden forum, the mention/tag disappeared from their view (from their...
  15. A

    Question Couldn't install

    It seems like I have a similar problem as this thread http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f52/product-import-failure-big-board-questions-9176/ I couldn't get it install completely, it stop right after the Alter administrator table in v1.0.0 any other manual way to install this?
  16. chatty

    Bug WOL Plugins for Acade produce a Database Error

    Hi there, after i install all the things that i need for my new Domain i get a Database Error when i activate the 4 WOL relevant Plugins. In this Pictures you see the plugins that i have deactivate because of the DBerror. Any Ideas ?
  17. T

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0 (Invalid SQL)

    Hi team, I'm finishing my site for a future opening. First I'm doing some tests on various products, to ensure proper operation, Unfortunately this product is giving me a problem. When the installation main page is no longer within reach, I can only enter the admin panel. The index i returns...
  18. L

    Bug vbArcade Having Trouble Installing

    Hello! Well I really liked how the arcade was and I wanted to install the lite version to have a go at it. So I put all the files that I need in the FTP and then went to go install the plugin and I received the error: # Place this code into the top of http://www.life-revived.com/.htaccess so...
  19. D

    Bug SQL Error (1064) during installation

    Hi! Today i want to install the DBT-A&A AddOn in my working-Forum. Like i was ever doing, i test this BEFORE in XAMPP-Test ground with an actual backup of my SQL-DB. When i was purchasing the mod, all was working fine in XAMPP (was a clean install from vBulletin), but now the Add-on importer...
  20. Drahnier

    Bug Command Log Bug

    Command Log not showing names if I select one of the Blank spaces it will do the query for said user but I can't tell which user I am selecting before I do it which essentially makes it useless