
  1. Y

    Question No Text in content message

    I have a little problem. I work with custom content. When I enter a content message, this will not be convinced in the slider. The title is displayed correctly. In forum posts and articles in the preview text is displayed correctly. Previously I had installed the Lite version because it worked.
  2. H

    Bug Users not receiving credits after upgrade

    Users are not receiving credits after upgrading from 2.00 to 2.1.0. A new user registered on September 1. He created 87 posts and two threads. He should have received 5,000 points per post and 50,000 points per thread. Other members have also donated more than 1,000,000 points but his profile...
  3. Trekkan

    Answers mod SQL Error

    Fillip H. I just gave it a shot from the side bar, got this error: Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42S22/1054): Unknown column 'problemid' in 'where clause' in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391
  4. Batskes

    Question Navtabs for vB 4.2 - Instructions?

    Hey guys. Love the products. However, it seems I've been stumped. I'm running vBulletin 4.2 and have downloaded the vBNav Tabs mod. Inside the folders there is a folder named "vBNavTabs For vB 4.2 ONLY!!!". I was instantly confused. I had a quick look about but found no specific instructions...
  5. KillaKUT

    Question Refund Please

    Please give me a refund for the three items I purchased. We wont be using them as we installed the shop today and had such an issue with page generation going from 0.18 to 2.77 and a problem with the massive amount of queries. So at this point we decided not to use any of the mods. You can check...
  6. bzcomputers

    Legacy Photos posted count in postbit

    Could you add the ability to show the number of photos a member has posted in the postbit.
  7. C

    Legacy Feature Requests

    Thanks for this great gallery for vBulletin. I have just upgraded to the professional version. :) I would like to see if possible: > Recently added comments. At moment i have about 15,000 images in the gallery and it is hard to find if someone has posted a new comment on an image. > Gallery...
  8. bzcomputers

    Bug Bad Path For Thumbnails When Using Physical Image & A Gallery Path Other Than Forum

    Bad Path For Thumbnails When Using Physical Image & A Gallery Path Other Than Forum If you choose a different path option for the Gallery, for instance www.home.com/gallery/, and have thumbnail type set to "Physical Image" all thumbnail paths are bad. It will look for them at...
  9. loaep

    SQL Injection in one of the mods..

    In one of your mods, I found a SQL Injection in.. Fillip is most likely passed out ATM, so not sure who I should contact. I won't say which mod it is in this thread so that people don't go and look for it.. Who to contact? ( Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You...
  10. bzcomputers

    Bug Stop thumbnail from clearing everytime download file is updated/changed

    Every time you update/change the download file, the thumbnail for that download are always cleared and have to be reuploaded too. It would be great if they would stay the same unless you choose to change/delete them.
  11. H

    Question MySQL Slow Query

    This is from my database server slow query log: use lipstick_forum; SET timestamp=1346993407; SELECT user.userid, username, usergroupid, membergroupids...
  12. P

    Bug Bug with thumbnails

    I had 2 categories with 2 albums inside... then, I delete them through the Admincp. After that, I created 2 categories (1 and 2)...and since then, where the thumbnail should be (maybe with a "there is no image yet" thumbnail) I see a broken image. If I make a right click on that image and...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Bug Picture Comments

    Feature Request; Import picture comments along with the pics. I noticed that all the comments are missing after importing all the albums and pictures.
  14. TandyServices

    Bug database error with invite

    Ok I re-did my credits, shop, and Activity. I tried running in Activity Maintenance the Recalculate Points.. At the end of the run I got a database error.. Here is what the e-mail says: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM dbtech_registration_invite AS invite...
  15. robb3369

    Advanced User Tagging...

    Does the Advanced User Tagging module require the vBNotifications module to sent out notifications?
  16. F

    Bug Admin Setting not created?

    Hello, I did upload all the files and perform an xml import. It was clean. No error or warnings but i ca't see vbshop anywhere? Not in adminCP not even footer link? Now what to do? Regards Fakher
  17. TypologyCentral

    Bug Notifications not clearing for some users

    This is an issue that is probably something on the user's end, but I was hoping you guys might have seen it before and know what to do: I updated to the latest version tonight, and immediately after updating 2 of my member's Notifications would not clear. Their PM and Visitor message...
  18. D

    Question How can I make gifts sellable?

    I was gonna give everyone a few points by gifting them all an item that can't be configured at all and does absolutely nothing, so the point of it was to just sell it back. However, when I did this, it turns out, nobody could sell it. So, is there a solution that I could do to give everyone a...
  19. H

    Bug Thread Subscriptions still being sent, even though bounce flag on

    Hi, I'm finding that bounced emails are correctly setting the bounce flag, with this visible in the user admincp user pages, but that these users are still being sent topic reply notifications. My reading of the docs is that this shouldn't be the case and all standard VB email should obey the...
  20. IcEWoLF

    Bug Errors after upgrade.

    Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 33 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 117 Warning...