
  1. twolegit

    Question remove navbar downloads

    just looking to remove download the default place and use your navtabs instead (as a drop down) but i cant find a way to remove the default downloads?
  2. L

    VBNavtabs with Vbadvanced

    Just a simple question. im thinking of buying VBnavtabs and is wondering if it support Vbadvanced CMPS ? As i want the changed to be visible there aswell
  3. 1quicksi

    Legacy Custom NavTabs per forum

    I would like to see the ability to add custom NavBar Tabs on a per forum basis. This would then allow say one forum to have links that another forum would not. So some sort of forum selection as well as show global would be the ticket :)
  4. A

    Bug vBNavTabs & vBAvatars

    I have integrated vBAvatars with the "Quick Links" and "Community" Menu, but using vBNavTabs, it doesn't appear. Is this a bug? Also, when selecting the body style you can pick one, move on to the next option and then there's a HUGE scroll bar and at the bottom you can pick another item. It's...
  5. Steris56

    Question Navtab color background

    i have went through the stylevars and played with them a little but i must be missing something when i click on navtab and it brings up the links to that particular parent forum ..i have a dark skin and black shows up as navtab background how would i change that to a different color ... thanks...
  6. Madhatterr

    Threads You're In

    I had the right link before, but now I've lost it. What link would I use to add a "Threads You're In" for members to click to see a list of all threads they've posted in sorted by last reply? Thanks!
  7. reeshe

    Question Sublinks?

    I'm having an issue getting sublinks to work. I confused about how the tabs to show when pressing the correct tab WITHOUT leaving the current page. If I leave the url blank it automatically makes it the index page. I'm trying to do what is shown in the image below. Hit the tab and it brings...
  8. G

    Question How do i create sublink in navtabs

    Hi All, How do i create sub links in navtabs any docs ?? very confusing & even though we created its not working? Really need good step by step documentation for all your products thanks gowri
  9. H

    Question upgrade

    Hello when i upgrade to latest version. will then all tabs i created be overwrited? or stay all tabs i added in it? Thx
  10. A

    Question Creating a button with submenu(or dropdown)

    Hi, i just installed vbulletin on the site mentioned above.. basically im making a forum with categories for different countries from all continents.. i installed navtabs because i need buttons in the navtab with continents as headings and dropdown menus with the list of countries linking to...
  11. H

    Legacy new options to make it better :-)

    Hello a few wishes options for maybe updates in future. i don't think it is to hard to do. 1. when you have pro version and pro version navbar then in quize a option ( admin) place on navbar1 or navbar2 ( when you have both then most programing is in allready) 2. a option to reset quiz...
  12. H

    Question quiz to navbar 2

    Hello 1. how can i set quiz ( and vbactivity) to navbar 2 i have pro versions of all 2. can i combine type of questions in a quiz or is it always when i thuse multipe choice i can not add difrent kind of quistion to it?? 3. when i go to the page and select quiz it always gous to english...
  13. W

    Slider and NavTabs questions

    Hey all, long time customer, even longer time forum poster. As usual, right when I am scouring the net to find solutions for new things for my site, dbTech has already solved them for me. I've got just a couple questions before I go buy lifetime purchases for the slider and navtabs. 1- vbSlider...
  14. Valcav

    Legacy standard DBT links in 2nd NavTabs

    Hello Ozzy, I was just thinking of something... (not sure for how far that it's possible...) To have all links of DBT products already in the 2nd navbar (all disabled)... so that we don't have to add them manually anymore. So we just have to enable the links we want to use and change the order...
  15. kfyonur

    Bug navtab link is changing

    nav tab links are working correctly but after entering the gallery,the links become like that; I'm not using them for the first time,why was happened,i don't understand.I know it is not bug. original link...
  16. KristerSwe

    Legacy Better Valign on images

    Hello ozzy, look pic below. hope for better position for image, not look good at the moment. if am using 24x24 is no padding spacing or whatever from the bottom .. and this pic is with 16x16
  17. Ozzy47

    Disabling DBT product default navtabs, and re-enabling with vBNavTabs

    To disable various DBT products default tabs: vBActivity: ACP / Settings / DragonByte Tech: vBActivity / General Settings The option Enable Navbar Tab, set to No vBArcade: ACP / Settings / DragonByte Tech: vBArcade / General Options The option Enable Navbar Tab, set to No vBCredits: ACP /...
  18. Freekoid

    Click here to Buy

    The hyperlinks for Ajax Threads and navtabs products 'click here to buy' results in an error. There is also no product info for the latter! Thanks
  19. Freekoid

    Legacy Utilizing navbar

    I've always been a firm believer of utilizing space, when it comes to the arcade there is nothing in the navbar area ie under the navtabs. Will you be implementing anything into this area? I know I will be adding a 'Request Game' link which will lead to a request thread in another part of my...
  20. Trekkan

    Bug Finalizations: vB4 syntax / stylevars / phrases

    So I was going to add in the vbShout box to the top of my arcade (nothing like smack talking right there, hehe). Template: dbtech_vbarcade_home Anyway, when I edited the template and went to save it, I got a vB warning about the IF conditions being invalid. After a closer look, it looks like...