
  1. D

    vb Chess !!!

    A modification, where members of a forum can play chess together. For SMF exist something like this (see screenshot at last). - with "request challenge" (where member can put a username inside and this one receive a PN - "You have a challenge!") - ELO-Board ranking - My Stats/ranking -...
  2. W

    Bug Bank isn't showing AND interest question?

    First question is, I have enabled my users to use the bank feature but when you click on the bank this is the view I get: Now I have enabled it and it is viewable to members so i'm not sure why it's not working. Secondly, is there a way I can adjust interest amounts? (I know i'm using a...
  3. R

    Dowload link does not appear in customer area

    Hi, I have purchased vbcredits deluxe and the download link does not appear in customer are. Please help regarding the same.
  4. A

    Question how to calculate total points for the post of the previous month??

    hello sir , i have to credit money after every month to the how can i calculate all the points for that month ..and can i create fields like this credits for this month: 2$ collected credit for the previous moth: 10$ please let me know thank you Regards, Akshay
  5. V

    Unsure where to post?

    I have a few questions. #1 . The PayPal I use for the site is not linked to my username here is that a problem for purchasing? #2 . I would like to get Lifetime on all the plugins but don't want to wait that long. I was thinking go Pro on each plugin for 3 months and extend them as the funds...
  6. B

    Bug Invalid Link or wrong text

    Hello when i try edit entry in vbforms ..i have like this - take a look in picture .. When click on link (marked with black arrow) i get vbulletin error message " invalid action" i think that there should not be "your text with link" maybe my forum home link or some... regards bosss...
  7. B

    Question Bold text

    Hello How get bold text on forum names, thread titles ...etc on Top 5 stats (mean last replies block)? regards bosss
  8. J

    Question Is vB Optimise worth it if you have xCache and Litespeed Cache?

    Hello, I am trying to figure out if there is any gains by using this along side xCache and Litespeed Cache. I wasn't sure if they did the same thing or not. Thanks!
  9. D

    Bug vbDonate Contribution Table

    Hello, I'm having issues with this vBDonator mod, I've installed it and it looks real nice, but when I view "My Contributions", "View Confirmed Contributions", "View UnConfirmed Contributions, "View Anonymous Contributions, and "View UnDisclosed Contributions". The table below is always off...
  10. Batskes

    What forum software have you used?

    Hey all. Just thought I might post a few Forum Based topics for discussion here at DBTech :) If threads not wanted, just tell me to stop! What forum software have you used. What do you like? Quick Pro's and Cons vBulletin 3, 4 and 5 I've been using vBulletin for countless years now. Pro's -...
  11. J

    So what do you guys think about vB5?

    I've heard some people say it's not worth the upgrade, but what do you guys think? Forums - vBulletin 5 Demo
  12. R

    Wrong purchase...

    Is there any chance for people who purchasing the wrong product. I bought DragonByte Forum Tabs instead of vBNavTabs. I would really hate to throw $40 down the drain. I would even settle for an exchange. I downloaded it and unfortunately only saw the problem after I installed it. I thought I...
  13. O

    New mo

    Hello, On the main forum page on this website you see small green + & red - tabs saying 'Favourite This Forum' etc. Can you tell me which one of your mods this is? Thanks, O.H.
  14. J

    Bug Users complaining of losing all their "gold"

    Had a member contact me tonight asking where all of their credits went. This is the second member to ask me this in the last month. I looked at their transactions and there is nothing to indicate why they were completely wiped out of currency. I have no idea why this happened. Attempted to...
  15. T

    Question Pay real money for an item

    I'm curious if anyone has set up the store, perhaps in conjunction with another system, to pay real money for an item? For example, I would like to charge for sticky threads. Any ideas?
  16. R

    Bug A few problems where is important to solve

    Hi all and hi dylan from Dragonbyte, My client is running Vbulletin 4.1.5 i bought the PRO Version from the gallery yesterday. after fighting a night long the most running well :D But i have some very important problems to resolve. 1. Password protection doesnt work, it works if click on...
  17. V

    Bug Unconfirmed payments after goal reached?

    Hey I was wondering if this is a bug or not. Whoever donates after goal has been met is set automatically for unconfirmed? Maybe it is in the settings and I am not seeing it? Thanks
  18. R

    Upgrading from VBCredits 1.4

    Hello, I Just upgraded from vb3 to vb4 I was using vBCredits 1.4 The Ultimate Points System by Darkwaltz4 [] enables users to gain Credits in many ways, and spend them in many third party applications. Can i upgrade this product with VBCredits II The old website linked to...
  19. TandyServices

    Over did my site

    I think I will have to back away from all the mods I have from you guys. As of now my site seems to be slowing way down. I think I sort of over did it with all your mods I got. ARCADE: One of my biggest problem is with the arcade. After I imported the games I started getting errors and the...
  20. G

    video tube mod

    i know of a few out their already but their support is crap, i would like something similar to vbtube but with dbt own personal touch and some cool widgets to got with it. i know this is a big project for you guys but lets just imagine for a second that i am willing to pay for this custom mod...