
  1. Cheyenne

    Question Confusing Update

    Trying to install this update, but I'm a little confuse about the upload? 1. Where do the following files goes as I have no files called js library styles security 2., In the includes/cron, there is a DBTech folder...does this go in the directory inside includes or inside...
  2. L

    Problem vb 4.2 and vbshout please help

    im purchase vb pro install fine chmod 0777 aop folder but can shout.. only see "loading...." nothing more :/ thanks
  3. T

    Bug seo This page resulted in too many redirects.

    This page resulted in too many redirects. Clear Cookie this site or allowing third-party Cookie may resolve this problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer Please you can help me! php:5.6.9+mysql5.6.25+nginx1.8.0 It has been set: 1...
  4. SniperCap

    Question Changing Gallery image upload location

    Hi All, Is there a way to set the image storage location outside of your forum directory? For example, all my attachments, profile pics, signature pics etc are all stored in a folder called data outside of the "forum" directory. I have tried setting the image storage path in the settings to...
  5. Ryan Persad

    Question Moved forum to Folder Need Redirect Help

    Good day, I placed my live forum into a folder /forum i would like to know how to redirect all the existing links that google has indexed to be redirected to the links with the new forum location eg. Also all sections and threads, to be directed to...
  6. Grumpy

    Question Force users to read pm (empty folder)

    I like the feature of forcing users to read PM's but how do you turn off the "empty folder" link? If you force a user to read a PM, all they have to do is click the empty folder link and clear out their PM and continue back to the forums never having to read the PM you sent them. What am I...
  7. B

    Bug File thumbnails ignore DB record

    I can't quite work out how your file thumbnails should work. After an import, I have all the thumbnail files in my downloads folder, with the "image" field in the database being correctly named for this. However, the code seems to look in the /picturestorage folder, with the filenames being...
  8. S

    Question Do I clean out import folder once imported?

    I managed to get the arcade installed and found some games to try out. I have been FTPing them to the import folder and everything seems to be going very well. After I import from the import folder.... do I delete the files I uploaded from there or do they need to stay there? Thanks, D.
  9. Carpesimia

    Bug Install not working

    I already posted this one, but now can't find the thread. Here goes again. I have a customer who has a VPS at godaddy. On the same VPS, they have 2 vbulletin installations for different urls. They want a post thanks solution, so I installed your LITE product so they can use and decide if...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Question What xml file

    What xml file i need to install ? I get 2 file in xml folder. product-dbtech_userthreads (1).xml product-dbtech_userthreads.xml
  11. OUTL4W

    Question Vbshout [Loading...]

    Haven't done anything lately and now all of a sudden all I see is the "Loading..." message. Repaired cache...verified the aop folder was set to 7773 and still just "Loading..." any help is greatly appreciated...
  12. madmaxmangos

    Legacy add option for moving imported files

    Hi, At the moment I am importing large amounts of files into my downloads system. It would be nice when importing if the files were able to be moved from the vbdownloadsimports folder to the vbdownloads folder where all downloads are stored. Could we have a option added to move files that are...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Question Includes Folder Outside of Upload

    Hey Fillip H. I noticed lately a new "includes" folder outside of the "upload" folder. Do we need to do anything with this folder? What is it used for?
  14. Toorak Times Newspaper

    Bug Missing file

    /home/toorak/public_html/dbtech/usertag/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing! After being hacked AGAIN, I am reinstalling all mods. I uploaded all files correctly and when upoading xml got this above. How do I get this file please?
  15. Bulbagarden

    Question Problems after importing vBSEO settings

    Just purchased the product today to move away from vBSEO. It seemed to install correctly, and the vBSEO setting import also appeared to work like a charm. The URL Rewrite Settings were copied over exactly as we had them. However for some reason it seems the URL's aren't actually rewriting...
  16. T

    Bug Breadcrumb Microdata Problem

    I have recently updated from 1.0.14 to 1.0.17 and my breadcrumb is totally messed up, checked back through the change log and noticed the Breadcrump Microdata feature. Please can you advise how I can get my breadcrumb back in one line not separate lines. Many thanks
  17. T

    Bug Showing twice

    I have this issue Screenshot by Lightshot and was told to disable ALL plugins to see if error was still there and did as told and it shows the same. What can I do to fix that? thanks.
  18. Alexi

    Question Add category and configure it

    Hello, Whatever I do, I get the following msg: You must add at least one category and configure it for the system to function. I have added 10 categories and got the same results! Then I uninstalled and re-installed, but it didn't help at all! Thanks for your time!
  19. 9

    Question Settings for the complete idiot...

    I'm just purchased this, and have it now loaded. I'm not sure what settings I need to change or even what the settings do. Is there some type of manual that tells me what I need to change, or is this a plug-n-play and I don't need to change anything?
  20. B

    Question Security question

    I want to install this mod to replace the vbseo provided one. I am concerned about changing the folder permissions in the installation: "CHMOD the following folders to 0777" Doesn't this make a security hole in the site?