
  1. N

    Bug Old Attachment URL used in a few places (CMS + Specific Post Link)

    Just noticed a minor bug (is bug the right word?) in the latest DBSEO. It appears in a couple of places in the forum it forgets to 'rewrite' the url and exposes the old URL's. It's not a major issues as it does just redirect on the fly, but it's something VBSEO never did so perhaps it's worth...
  2. S

    VB Features for Xenforo Add Ons

    Lot of VB features are "missing" on Xenforo. For a board users that have been using VB for years, they can not live on Xenforo without VB features. You can make lot of ports such as : - Old VB reputation system. - modify the "like" to be similar with DBT thanks. - VB post icon. - VB user note...
  3. T

    Legacy Multiple Price Points

    On your list of features for the Lite version it states: 'Configure multiple price points for the same banner space or for keywords to encourage bigger purchases' As an example I have created 3 different prices for advertising in the Global - Below navbar (1 rotation available) 1 for 1 day @...
  4. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Restore to default settings

    Please can you add option Restore default settings ( Back to New Instillation Setting), Also add option for Import/Export setting.
  5. H

    Legacy I have a twitch mod....

    I had a twitch TV mod written for my websites however it has some features I do not like as well as some that I do, I was wondering if you guys wanted a look at it as it does embedding etc and could save you a ton of time I would assume, and combine yours and the one I have into a more rounded...
  6. C

    Question Problems with vbAnswers

    I have the form block form displaying and working. I noticed I have a unsolved question showing up in the what's going on box. How do I find the questions that people posted? It appears looking at the mod settings they should show up under community and quick links menus (both are ticked)...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Pre Firewall

    Features - Anti DDos - Anti Flood - Anti Attack - Anti Spam - Anti Localhost - Anti block IP diversity .... many Fuction... Option Enable for usergroup Max visitors Interval Request (Total request for link) Block time
  8. V

    Legacy Option Classifieds (AdminCP): why don't create?

    Why when creating the Options not already done creating values ​​with check-boxes, radio buttons and multiple choice? see cars.com, ebay.com, for example the sale of a the Car is impossible to identify Cars complectation (cars features) of checkbox or radiobuttons, I am the admin can not create...
  9. M

    Legacy Help with Custom classifieds rewrites

    Hi Fillip H., Sorry to be a pain but loving the new features of the classifieds re-writes. However I have an issue which I believe is a request to expand the rewrites... but it could be a bug ??? I would like to do the following...
  10. C

    Question Not Using Attachments

    I noticed this on my test site as well but decided to ignore it... for some reason, the settings in instance management pertaining to using the first attachment don't see to work. For example this thread only has an attachment and it is displaying in the slideshow right now with the "no...
  11. T

    Dragonbyte SEO

    I am going to purchase this but I have a question. I have vBseo. Do I have to uninstall it or will Dragonbyte SEO write over everything? TY.
  12. Ozzy47

    Bug Cache Styles

    Not sure if it is a bug, or intended behavior, or a unintended feature :p . When you have the setting, Cache Styles set to Yes, If a user changes the style via the quick chooser in the footer, then browses to a different page, it reverts to the default style, you have set in the ACP, even though...
  13. R

    Question Rewrite rules to serve attachments from CDN

    Hi, I have a CDN set up, many thinks like javascript and images in the gallery are served from the alternative website address which had greatly sped up the website. What I haven't been able to do yet is serve attachements in CMS articles from the CDN, I haven't found the place to change the URL...
  14. R

    Question Rewrite rules for DBGallery

    Hi, I've recently downloaded the Lite version of the Gallery at the moment. If all works well I'll go for the full one. Anyway, just wondered if there were some rewrite rules somewhere to generate some nice pages names for this mod. I've search both this forum and the DBGallery forum but no luck...
  15. R

    Dbtech Seo rediection question

    Hello, Will Dbtech seo redirect my current Vbulletin urls to the old version of Vbseo urls I had a couple months ago? I no longer have Vbseo installed so I will need help figuring out the url setting using webmaster tools or my current htaccess which has the redirects from the old. The problem...
  16. neounix

    Bug mysqldump from main site to backup uses original (main site) urls in many areas

    Hi! Thank you for the great support so far. DBSEO keeps getting better and better. Just a small "bug" to report.. not sure if it is important or not.... When I do a full mysqldump of our database and move it over to our backup site, we have code that insures the 'bburl' and the 'homeurl'...
  17. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Registration Timer

    Fillip H. I know you and Cosmic have internal policies with regards to mod updating and feature additions but I am asking, no, I am pleading that you add this feature STAT if it is possible and easy. For the last month I am having approximately 30 registrations per day from spam bots. Most of...
  18. Nirjonadda

    Legacy location/position

    Please can you add option location/position Social Sharing buttons appear Left, Right & Center ?
  19. neounix

    Legacy Option for Vertical Social Sharing to Appear on Right Side of Page

    Hey..! Happy New Year! Can you please add the option for the Social Sharing Vertical Buttons to appear on the right and not only the left. Our users are complaining they want it on the right side of the page and not only on the left. Thanks very much.
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Spiders Display on Forumhome

    Please add option Spiders Display on Forumhome and Who's Online ( Ex: Boofo mod) .