
  1. V

    Bug 1.3.0 causing pmquote in header template to not show?

    Hey Ozzy its actually Rain. I just now noticed something I put in my template a couple weeks back has stopped working since 1.3.0. In my header I added a pm count: {vb:raw bbuserinfo.pmunread} New PMs. You have {vb:raw bbuserinfo.pmtotal} total out of {vb:raw GLOBALS.permissions.pmquota}...
  2. V

    Question How do I fix explode error message?

    Hi I am using the latest donations plugin now but i am getting this: Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 33 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in...
  3. L

    Bug Error messages with VbDonate

    Im getting the following errors from the new version of VbDonate (1.3.0). I allowed an "overwrite" of the existing version when I upgraded and this occurred. I uninstalled the previous version and it still happened. I also re-uploaded the files to my website then reinstalled vBDonate after...
  4. 1quicksi

    Bug Database error

    Did I miss configure something? Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb_user SET membergroupids = 22 WHERE userid = '4150' AND user.membergroupids NOT LIKE '%22%'; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.membergroupids' in 'where clause' Error Number : 1054 Request Date ...
  5. A

    vBCredits II Deluxe Compatible with vBulletin 4.2.0?

    Hi, I wish to purchase your vBCredits II Deluxe. May I know if it is compatible with Vbulletin 4.2.0 Patch Level 2? I need the following to be done with your vBCredits, is it doable? Point systems add to reputation: Creating thread: +2 points Starting thread which get 20 replys within 24...
  6. Batskes

    Donation - Problem with MY paypal

    Hey peeps. Was just trying to make a donation but there is a problem with my paypal that happens from time to time that gives me an error message when trying to use automated payments or through a site etc. I'm stuck with sending to a specific address manually. I was just wondering if there...
  7. M

    Question All kind of questions about vbshop

    1. How do i hide donate link, why don;t you hide the link if we don;t allow donation in admin ? 2. How do you hide Steal link, why don;t you hide Steal if we don;t allow that on options ? 3. Lotteries on fixed fee look horrible, you should rebuild how you list lotteries. I have 5 prizes and...
  8. P

    Question How can I show the donate buttons to unregistered user?

    Just want to know that :)
  9. J

    Bug Users complaining of losing all their "gold"

    Had a member contact me tonight asking where all of their credits went. This is the second member to ask me this in the last month. I looked at their transactions and there is nothing to indicate why they were completely wiped out of currency. I have no idea why this happened. Attempted to...
  10. Fillip H.

    Bug No custom entry form

    Setting the Allowed Donate Amounts setting to "Suggested and custom" does not appear to display a custom donation amount form, as evidenced here on DBTech.
  11. V

    Bug Unconfirmed payments after goal reached?

    Hey I was wondering if this is a bug or not. Whoever donates after goal has been met is set automatically for unconfirmed? Maybe it is in the settings and I am not seeing it? Thanks
  12. Sicilian

    Question How do I change name of the Contribute sub menu on sub-navbar?

    As the title, I'd like to change Contribution Actions to Donation Actions, then Contribute to Donate, Contribution List to Donation list and My contributions to My Donations. Thanks in advance.
  13. R

    Bug Bug in 1.2.1 page check code causing an entire area to become a link

    Hey Ozzy I was tracking down an issue introduced in 1.2.1 for us and I have found the fix already but it actually appears to be on your end. When you removed the donate button for vbdonate.php?do=donate as per this persons request...
  14. V

    Question Images won't show

    Hi The images won't show in VBA nor forumhome. I believe i installed it correctly. Does anyone have a possible solution to this? Thanks
  15. V

    Bug Donation amount stuck

    Hey there I received complaints that the donation amount is stuck when someone tries to donate (only gives you 1 option). I believe it was for chrome version. Could use a little help. Thanks :)
  16. Nirjonadda

    Bug Index Page Not Working Current Time and Rotating Banners

    Hello Index Page Not Working Current Time and Rotating Banners,when Show Rotating Banner On index page its not working, only show red box does not show image,also Current Time not working when Show Donation Bar On index page,How to fix this problem?
  17. IcEWoLF

    Bug Side block usernames need little adjustments for long usernames.

    Hi Ozzy, some of the users with longer usernames their names somewhat go behind the avatar if you look closely, would it be possible to change the font size and possibly have an option to re-size the user avatar size smaller like we are able to do with vBShout?
  18. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Do donors privileges automatically reset?

    Hi Ozzy, do donors rank automatically reset from 1 month from their last donation? (Auto remove them from a group) I want to make sure it does this so this way users that donated once and then no longer donates don't keep maintaining the same donor rank after 1 month.
  19. IcEWoLF

    Question Donors are no longer being added to groups?

    Today one of the users donated but they did not get added to the donators usergroup at all, not sure why. I do believe I setup the permissions correctly since it worked for the last several donors.
  20. J

    Legacy How to translate events?

    Hello guys, please I need your help. How to translate the events (Adjust, donate, paycheck, poll, post, rate, etc...)?. I have tried by language and phrases, but can not find. Thank you for your help.