
  1. Nirjonadda

    Google's mod_pagespeed For Apache

    Hello, I wanted to know what do you say about this mod_pagespeed For Apache ?Anyone use it ? Does it Make your web site faster?Reduces server load? Should I install it ? or not ?
  2. J

    Just joined, presently running vB4

    Just joined your forum because I just discovered your mailing list mod, vBmail, at We're in Hertfordshire UK: You seem to be based in Glasgow UK, the other partner in my business was born in East Kilbride and we still have family up there in the rain and the midgies ;). I was...
  3. cykelmyggen

    Question Upload images

    Just a real stupid question: where do I actually upload new images to the gallery? I checked the docs for the Gallery and here it says: "Select Upload Images below the navbar to be taken to the page to upload images..." The problem is I can't see any button/link with "Upload images"...
  4. T

    Legacy Tutorial/documentation on creating custom item

    I know I've asked for this once, but is there any intention from the developers to make a tutorial on creating custom items (as in the php code of doing so)? It would really help my forum a lot.
  5. jluerken

    Bug Using a post template will insert HTML code and make the template system unuseable

    Hi Developers, adding and editing a post template works like it should but as soon as I want to use it it is full of HTML code. I've checked your forum and have seen that I am not the only one with this issue. I tried the solutions in the other tickets but that does not work for me. I removed...
  6. F

    Facebook sidebar chat + post/threads uodates

    Facebook sidebar chat + post/threads updates Would be nice that our vbulletin forum has something similar like the right sidebar of facebook, so we could have chats and notifications in just one long bar, it would be really great and many people would love this feature to get on their forums...
  7. IcEWoLF

    vBulletin Connect 5 has been announced!

    vBulletin 5 Announcement - Admin Zone Forums So far the mockups look great, lets see how to the final product will look like, because you never know.
  8. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Vbulletin 4.2.0 Top DB NavBar Gone

    Just wondering if anyone upgraded to the latest VBulletin... They added a Navigation Manager which is a new way to add custom links to the navigation menu location is under the AdminCP, Settings, Navigation Manager... Only thing missing is ability to add images and second navigation bar... The...
  9. CharlieDelta

    What does the release of vBulletin 4.2 mean for DBTech mods?

    How will the impending release of 4.2 and its new features affect some of the great DBT mods, namely Navtabs and Live Stream?
  10. T

    Legacy Make Custom Items support PHP code

    Hi, I have a custom-tailored product that involves a shop where users can buy items for the product. However, I find it quite disappointing that the Custom Items only supports the 5 custom fields, which is definitely not enough for my product. I would like to see a new type of item which...
  11. loaep

    Legacy CSS Sprites for images use CSS sprites instead of indivdual images. Possible? Can be made? Thanks..
  12. A

    Question sum point from percent !?

    Hello I want do quiz ,answers are all correct,but when system sum the point for select answers only take point for Choose answers and that from 100% not from total point for every answers . EX: quiz 1: Question A: is answers choices A: 1- domain 2- forum 3-...
  13. djtone

    imdb mod

    what are the chances of creating a imdb mod within threads. so u have the option to add the imdb link when creating a thread like this and it showing all the details like cover and information about actors etc...
  14. F

    Question Learning how to start with vboptimise

    Alright, I am looking forward to purchase this product since it cause effects in forum browsing and make it faster and smooth, so i downloaded the lite version and test by myself before purchase (thats what i did with the others products i bought already) After the instalation of this product...
  15. P

    Bug Removal Profile Hover Pro 1.4.0

    Dear developers, after removal Profile Hover Pro 1.4.0 remain in a field database which creates Profile Hover Pro during the installation. How them to remove from a database now? Repeated installation gives nothing, but only still in addition creates the same fields. On a screenshot it is...
  16. Replicators

    Legacy Forumon needs more work

    I have to be honest, i feel i was ripped off on buying it now. It's a great concept, it just lacks ALOT. Can't buy equipment to make your monster stronger, though i would like to see a equipment system similar to darkspore. Combat is beyond tedious, having to defend to regain stamina, i would...
  17. W


    Just a quick thought, have you guys thought about making a gallery where a certain usergroup can have a gallery set to them with addons for a slideshow on forum home and on cms front page ?
  18. D

    Bug bug with : useronline

    Hi people. One problem. When I use this module, I don't see useronline!!!!! I read: » Utenti Online: 449 127 utenti e 322 ospiti No Utenti online Il massimo degli utenti online è stato: 627, 28-03-11 alle 23: 23. WHAT?!!
  19. W

    Legacy What I want to do with this modification

    Long time no see to my favorite vBulletin modification developers! As someone said in a blog comment recently, this mod feels a bit lacking compared what I thought it was able to do when I first purchased it. Partially it is because I haven't utilized the achievements and such very much, but...
  20. DxtGaming

    Legacy Social Network comments

    As almost everyone has a Facebook and social networks are important nowadays I suggest Facebook comments: It would be nice to have an option between Facebook comments or normal comments or both (Not sure if it would look good) ...