
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Banner Space Locator

    Banner Space Locator is does not show correctly,Its look like bug showing,please can you look into on this? Also having trouble getting any banner to show on the forum.
  2. Recep Balta

    Bug Screwed my database

    So ı have clicked on rebuild keyword database and it fucked my entire forum giving tons of database error. It is a small forum. IDK what the fuck gonna happen on a big board.! What the fuck man! Why don't you tell it is going to take so long. Fuck!
  3. Force

    Bug Usergroup To Change Or Add To

    As i cant add a new site and no point in reposting this will just link it here as i would like to get this fixed asap Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] vBDonate Donations - PayPal Donate Manager v1 (vB4) the website url above is not the site its installed on as i have installed...
  4. Nirjonadda

    Bug Invites Verified

    Invites Verified are empty,when many more member Registered with invite verification. Does not count up.
  5. Snowhog

    Legacy Moderation Tools integration

    Ref: Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Thread / Post Bookmarking v1 (vB4) [AJAX] As usual, your MODs are quality work. What would it take to add the ability to mark searched for posts/threads for bookmarking from within the Moderation Tools? What I'm thinking about, is I search...
  6. puertoblack2003

    Bug [DBTech] Tweet Poster v1 (vB4)

    I posted this at (Tweet Poster v1 (vB4))
  7. CharlieDelta

    Minimum Post Count To Post Links

    Would be nice to have a mod that prevents certain usergroups from posting links until they have reached a minimum number of posts among other criteria.
  8. C

    Private message Mod

    Is this mod works like this, To read or to send a Private message to other members, they need a minimum Posts (say 10 posts in the last 30 (x) days). I had seen some vbulletin board, but doesn't know exactly which mod is doing working like this. Help me!
  9. Nirjonadda

    Question How to Postbit Gil Show

    How to Postbit Gil Show ? Ex: Gil : 56,806 (460,361 Banked)
  10. H

    Bug Thanks / Like Statistics not updating

    The statistics stopped updating a while ago and I can't figure out what the issue is. I'm not the main admin and I wasn't the one to install it, but I want to try and fix it since he's been busy lately.
  11. M

    Legacy Post count to acess chat

    i think we should make a option where you can set it to so many posts to talk in the chatbox
  12. H

    Question Feeling Dumb

    I feel I've spent a considerable time trying to figure out this add on and I'm generally computer savvy, but I am feeling dumb. Under Activity Amounts Configuration the "Thread" is set to an amount of "2" and "charge" is not checked, yet in the "latest transactions" on the site, it says...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Remove Author Rating Their Own Review

    Can we remove the ability of the author being able to rate their own review.
  14. R

    Question How do I move the currency display in postbit?

    I want to display the users total currency at the bottom of users info instead of just below the Posts count. How do I modify this. I was trying to use $vbphrase[dbtech_vbshop_currency_postbit_integration] , but its not working :(
  15. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Who Downloaded Tab

    Hello Can you add option Who Downloaded Tab by adding a Tab in member info page to list all attachments downloaded by the member.Add This Options "Option based on Post Count" Permissions Based on Post Count...Post count user must have before can Upload and Download Attachments. Option 1.Who...
  16. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Post Count Needed to Give Thanks/Likes

    Please can you add option How many posts must a user have before users can use the thanks/likes button?
  17. CharlieDelta

    Bug Conflict With Other Mod Causing RTL On Redirects & Error Pages

    Hi Ozzy, There seems to be a conflict with your superpm mod and this mod, [Chris] Classifieds - Forum, that causes all redirect & error pages to display RTL. With superpm disabled and the other mod enabled everything is fine and visa versa. There may be a conflict with this mod as...
  18. K

    Question How long?

    Not so much a HOW DO I but more of a HOW LONG? I've purchased your ad software and as part of my first time install I'm on the following step: 4. Under the "DBTech - Forum Ads" AdminCP menu, click "Maintenance" then run "Repair" and "Rebuild Keyword Database". I ran the "Repair" step and it...
  19. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Moderating Statistics

    Please an you add option Moderating Statistics on separate page with the following details included: -Moderator listing with stats on moderating actions, infractions/infraction points given -Last moderation action info for each Moderator -Total number of active Moderators, moderating actions...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy User CP Referral ID and Referrer

    This Option will add a content box at the top of the User CP displaying a customizable referral "Message" and the member's "Referral Link" along with their referral count. This will also show who referred a user in their profile in the About Me tab, under Referrals, at the bottom. It will only...