
  1. Crotan

    Bug Empty CMS widget

    slider was working on version 2.0.0 and when I upgraded to 3.0.1, the cms widget no longer displays anything. I've cleared the system cache, along with trying to set the widget cache time to 0. neither worked. I have article quantities set, along with blogs. Still nothing
  2. M

    Is the reviews pro version support images custom fields?

    Hi I'm interesting in your reviews system, but I want to ask if I can use images as custom fields like other reviews systems in the market. To understand what I'm talking about, let we say we have a hotel reviews site for example, we want to add a level of the hotel (5 stars, 4 stars ..) as a...
  3. OlijO

    Bug CMS editing problem

    Hi, i discover when this mod is enabled i have problem to edit article widget. Basically, when the mod is enabled, if i edit my last article widget, the result on frontpage become this : If i disable the product, complete remove the widget and create it again, the widget works again. Regards...
  4. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Fetal Error Call to member Query read Slave Non-object cacher_forumhomewol

    This is mainly the CMS page and I think it is from the users online widget in my CMS front page Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read_slave() on a non-object in /html/dbtech/vboptimise_pro/includes/cachers/cacher_forumhomewol.php on line 25 I been getting this from time to time...
  5. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Forum Side Block and CMS Widget

    Feature request; Ability to add a forum side block and cms widget of latest reviews, best rated, etc.
  6. B

    Question How do I modify the sidebar block so that it only shows the trending hashtags?

    Hi, As stated on the title, is there a way to just show the trending hash tags on the sidebar block? Best Regards
  7. ar15dcm

    CMS News Widgets

    Hello, I am currently running some CMS News widgets that I am 50/50 on liking. The 50% I like is the was I can display news articles on my site. The 50% I dont like is the total lack of support and the arrogance of the author. I am begging... Please write some CMS News widgets so those of us...
  8. Morrus

    Question How would I....?

    I would like to encourage my members to reply to articles in the CMS. How do I go about assigning a 1 credit reward for a reply to a CMS article?
  9. C

    Bug wrong text in slide caption

    For some reason, some of the slides have the wrong caption. I'm not sure where the content is from that they are pulling. Although I am not 100% sure, it appears the slides that do not have a picture (using the default slide) are pulling the wrong content. (Note the link I provided in the...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Bug Silder Not Working

    Hello My Site vBSlider Not Working,Its Showing Loading More Than 10 minute,Does not load and nothing happened?Please Fillip H. Can you look into for me?
  11. B

    Question Slider loading

    I do not know if is it some bug or maybe some settings in vbslider in admincp - but sometimes I get just loading..loading picture and next click on forum tab I get slider work ... I reduce images (every image is about max 40-50 kb) but same ... will attach picture for explanation what I mean...
  12. O

    Question Slider CMS articles redirects fail!

    hi! I'm having an issue for which I'm sure it's not a bug. Probably something on my end. I'm running slider, manually inserted into the home template, running just fine. It also fetches CMS articles fine but the redirection links are show WRONG. Examples Redirection (show more) link to...
  13. B

    Question Problem with sidebar block

    Have some problem with custom styles - tf_ideal and seamuslight banner (sidebar block form for vbanswers). will attach Pictures ...hope some help to fix those blocks ... regards bosss
  14. John Craftycarping Oliver

    Vbslider question.

    Hi all I was just wondering whether the vbslider mod would fit in the content page and work on my site, please link provided. This is the only place i would want to use it where you see the rotating images now. Thanks p.s. sorry of this is in the wrong place but couldn't think of anywhere else.
  15. MaxLiao

    Question How do I get the content to appear?

    This is a two parter ... PART 1 I'm not able to get the slider to display how we desire. I need to know if this is working as intended, if I misconfigured something, or if there is another issue involved. Testing conditions: One Custom content. One Article with one category. One Article...
  16. A

    Bug Slider not showing in CMS

    It is not showing up in my cms. I added the widget and it should show above the current slider I have now.
  17. IcEWoLF

    What do you really think of vB5?

    Now that the software went gold, what do you really think about the product? Here is my personal opinion: Pros: - I like the design - Sitebuilder is useful - Feels less bloated than vB4, good thing - Built in Like System - Easy to edit avatars - Image viewer is nice - Uploading content is...
  18. U

    vBDonate Widget?

    Hello! I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One...
  19. B

    Question Random gallery CMS widget

    Random gallery block works great for my forums but can't get it to work at CMS widget at home page? There is no wdget now. Do i make a static html? Thx
  20. H

    Bug Installed, but I see nothing anywhere

    I wrote this in the site too, so I hope you are not mad that it is duplicate, but I thought I might find answers in a thread over here, but alas, have not. Well, I'm a bit bamboozled. I uploaded files (twice). Installed .xml (twice). Added widget to the cms layout. I don't see it...