
  1. Em Kay

    Bug Specifications

    When adding a specification, after selecting Always in "manage forms" in the ACP, going to add a listing, shows more than one "Specification" box. It seems after clearing the cache and rebuilding, if there were previous specification removed, they're not completely removed from the front end of...
  2. Nxt

    Legacy Disable the Option to go Invisible.

    Hi Is there a way to disable the ability for users to go invisible? When you turn invisible, you can still chat and what not but just not appear in the Active Users list. I'd like to disable that, if you chat in the chatbox , you'll appear in the active users no matter what.
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Used Verify Email

    When i put Used Email for Verify, Its show me email address is verified but does not show The email address you entered is already in use. Than on registration page member can use another email address for Register without email address verification.
  4. V


    Hi And 'possible to tie vBAnswers to individual forums, and every time you open a new topic in a forum appears new answear box? Thanks
  5. B

    Bug Problem with this mod

    There is a problem with this mod upon installing it and keeping it enabled. When its enabled it changes the thread title at the top to a thread name & link that is somewhere else on the forum and not the current thread you are in. When I disabled the mod the thread titles went back the way they...
  6. O

    Question Error Warning Question

    This may seem like a weird question, but I was wondering if it were possible to remove the error message given when links are turned off in PMs. I wanted the PM to still go through as if the PM wasn't blocked from being sent (when in actuality, it was), complete with the user being redirected...
  7. N

    Legacy More 'Official' rewrite rules for non-Apache Web Servers (IIS, nginx etc)

    Just a quick general feature request - It would be nice if DBSEO out of the box provided 'official' and confirmed working / perfect rewrite rules for non-Apache webservers. I know a few members have done their own attempt at converting them to IIS or nginx or other web servers, but to have...
  8. Em Kay

    Bug Issue Comment Box

    The box where the arrow is pointed, turns white when clicked on and text is unseen while typing
  9. T

    Legacy Move Block

    In what template to I need to edit in order to move the Recommended Thread box? I want to move it so it displays above the 'Thread Information' block. Many thanks
  10. K

    How Long Do I Have To Wait??

    Last night I purchased Advanced User Tagging. Paid for it through PayPal. It cleared my PayPal immediately. Is there somewhere else I have to go besides the Client Area to download it? All I see in there is: I am a bit surprised that it is still the same. What am I having to wait for? (yes...
  11. Vincent Polisi

    Question How Do You Enable Email Notifications In Advanced User Tagging?

    I've got Advanced User Tagging Lite operational for vB5.1.0 and it's working great. My understanding is that it would fire an email notification to each user when they are tagged in addition to adding it to their inbox and notification number icon. It's not doing that. Is there some other...
  12. Mental

    Question Excluded Pages not working?

    Hi Right, I'm trying to incorporate a jquery rss ticker and since it doesn't allow cross domain requests i need for it to skip the redirect so it can access via domain/forum/file/file.php instead of When i insert test.txt into the Excluded Pages box it still...
  13. R

    Bug Stuck at loading and messages are reflecting back!!!

    This is a newly installed forum and has no plugins. The shoutbox is stuck at loading and when a message is entered, it disappears from the text box and appears again in the text box!!!! What could be the problem?
  14. X

    Question Separate shout not working (detached)

    How do I get the detach shout to work I have never used it never had the chance to, but finally found a site that I was able to use it on and I liked it. Went to my site to change the settings and it is already enabled however is not showing in the drop down menu as an option in shoutbox...
  15. madmaxmangos

    Bug vB Shout bar on IE 11

    With the primus theme the shotbox seems to have a bar along the top of it - see attached screenshot. This does not happen on the default vB theme, applying Force latest IE mode has no effect.
  16. madmaxmangos

    Bug Project tools issue url is wrong

    When creating issues on project tools the URL to the issue in the shoutbox is wrong. The wrong URL is: project.php?issueid=22 The URL should be: issue.php?issueid=22
  17. F

    Bug Hidden attachment and thanks/likes count getting reset.

    Hello, I am sorry if this already been questioned and answered I have been investigating this issue for some time after upgrade from lite version to pro version but haven't been able to fix it myself. As you can see from this image... The hidden attachment has been reset. You don't see the...
  18. ringnews24

    VBShout Idea

    My members seem to post more on the shoutbox than the forum. I want to encourage them to use the forum more. I would like to see a option were to post on the shoutbox you need x amount of posts per day or within a 24 period.
  19. M

    Question Problems with Colors

    I am running into an issue where the shoutbox colors are not really matching the forum much. I do not see where to change these at all. I've attached a picture of the problem. Any input at all would be awesome! Thanks,
  20. madmaxmangos

    vbShout & copyright footer issue

    Hey, 2 problems. 1. vbShout - Using the "Primus" theme the tabs in the shoutbox seem to blued-out, you can't read them without making them active (see screenshot). 2. The Dragonbyte footer copyright would be better if it was put into one sentence with a button/link to click which opens up a...