
  1. Fillip H.

    vBShop v3.2.4 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing vBShop v3.2.4 in order to add functionality requested by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBShop v3 (vB4) - Forum or here vBShop v3 (vB3) - Forum, and also please...
  2. collapsible myth

    Question Auto Scroll?

    I have the display order set up in so that oldest is first but what happens is that when new shouts are entered it does not auto scroll to the latest entry, requiring you to scroll down. Is it possible to configure it to have the entered shouts at the bottom?
  3. K

    Question Mass pm per batch issue

    Hi, When I test the Mass Private Messaging then set the 'send per batch' to 500, it will not automatically click to the next page instead I will manually click the button "go to the next page". How should I auto click to next page? Thanks, Kim
  4. W

    Legacy Multiple usergroup changes

    May I request for a feature in this mod which can auto switch mulitple usergroups to other groups. Like if the user's current usergroup is 1, he will be auto promoted to usergroup 2 after making a donation. And if the donors current usergroup is 3 then he will auto promote to usergroup 4. I am...
  5. B

    Question Some Help please

    Hello What is optimal settings for this mod. Mean for one forum - exp. should be both manual and auto disabled = not marked or manual marked and auto not or oposite? Mean in forum maneger settings ? regards bosss
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Auto Subscribe Users to Selected forums

    Please can you add option for Auto Subscribe Users to Selected forums? Member can get Instant Email Notification for Selected forums.
  7. CharlieDelta

    Bug Auto Sitemap Generation Problem

    I have the auto sitemap generation setup for every 1 day. I just realized I had not been getting any emails lately so I check the log and the last generation was on September 17. I run it manually with no issues. Seems to be an issue with the auto generator.
  8. OUTL4W

    Question can I add your vBarcade trophies to a tab?

    Read the documentation but doesn't state anywhere how to add the trophies from vBarcade to a postbit tab....and doesn't auto insert itself the way Dbtech usertaging does for example.
  9. CharlieDelta

    Product Version Auto Deploy

    Is it possible to have the system auto deploy or fill in the product version when submitting a bug report? Or at the very least for pro installations? I can never remember the version number and I have to go look through ALL my DBT products to get it. :)
  10. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Auto Embed Player

    Please can you add option Auto embed player ? If anyone upload Audio and Video Formats then auto Embed Audio/Video Player, Like google drive and dropbox does, Please add this Feature ! Also Audio/Video Play if member have Permissions to Download.
  11. sevenmix

    Question How do i use the auto complete feature?

    How do i use the auto complete feature? I write a name but it doesnt autcomplete
  12. Nirjonadda

    Bug Auto Replace URL with Titletag

    Auto Replace URL with Titletag Not working with https url. Ex:
  13. webi

    Legacy OptIn

    Hi Fillip, Is it possible for a new version of vbmail also an Opt-In system to program? For German mailing lists and newsletters something like this is needed. Should something like this be available then only in the Pro version, I am willing to acquire this, of course. Regards
  14. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Username Request

    User Tools : Inside the User Control Panel, there is an area that is added where a user is given the ability to submit a username that they would like their name changed to. They receive PM updates depending upon the "status" of their request, whether it is Accepted or Rejected. Administrative...
  15. Steris56

    Quotes and Username

    not sure if any mod out there does this if so point me to it lol When i change a username in acp from its original one and this user has quoted in forum the quotes do not reflect the new user name is there any way if a mod dont exist for this that db can do one that changes it auto
  16. I

    Bug vbactivity 3.1.4

    Database Error vbactivity 3.1.4 We are running into an issues with the activity feed part of vbactivity, When a user clicks the activity feed we end up getting a database error so we recently disabled the activity feed and haven't gotten a database error since then. Any Idea's on what the issue...
  17. Mental

    Bug tagging and auto merging === booboo!

    I think this is due to me updating to the recent version. Anyways, steps to reproduce. make a post tag a user post it reply with an embedded youtube url to auto merge video output then is HTML for the tagged users Fillip H.
  18. Blizzard Opb

    Question Recalculating Points

    We have a very large forum and want to implement vBActivity properly. I have the plugin installed and set-up, but since the plugin recalculates points for each user the process is extremely slow, slow enough for my admin login to timeout and the process to halt at around 980th user. I would like...
  19. Em Kay

    Bug Closing Auto Thread doesn't work

    Auto Post Thread to Open will not let me choose "no" I have chosen it and saved several times. I don't want the thread to post open. We have the Pro Version... Thanks :)
  20. D

    Question Installed fine - no default buttons in CP or showing in posts

    We have a large board that we just upgraded to 4.2.2 and PHP 5.4.26. We had to get rid of VBseo since it wasn't working with the new version of PHP. We bought the Advanced Like/Thanks system and installation went smoothly, including importing likes from the VBseo system, but when we open the...