
  1. LissaE

    Bug Like / Thank Button Click Does Nothing Until Page Refresh

    Please forgive me if this has been addressed elsewhere, I searched and found a couple of threads for vb4 but none that fixed my issue :( I just purchased and installed this mod today, when I click on one of the like/thanks buttons in postbit nothing happens. It shows when I refresh the page but...
  2. L

    Recent Topics

    A product like this for IPB: (SOS33) Recent Topics - Invision Power Services Or this: BF-Recent Topics Ajax - vBulletin.org Forum Of course, I'm making this suggest for vBulletin.
  3. S

    Switching from photopost to your DragonByte Gallery

    Hi, we made good experiences with your Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro version and so we consider to switch from photopost pro to your new gallery product. What we don`t like about photopost pro is that it is not fully integrated into vBulletin. If users would like to create a new thread/post...
  4. liebherr

    Bug Database error

    Hello to all. After looking for many statistics for vB, finally I found theirs, I like very much since it gives you a lot of important information, and before buying it wanted to prove them since I did with Shoutbox, but from the installation it me has not worked, says a message Database...
  5. Taurus

    Question How to tag someone with this ® in their username?

    We have a member with this username: Leticia® But trying to tag or mention here will just not work. Is it because of the ® symbol? Thanks.
  6. K

    Question plugin does not working

    Hi. thank you for this mod but this mod not working on my forum and not refresh page, auto or manual. please help to fix this problem
  7. GoodApples

    Bug Delete Image issues

    The check box for delete is misplaced and can not delete images. do=edit_image
  8. M

    auto refresh

    Hi Just noticed on your forum here that there is auto refresh on the threads is this a plugin? Thanks Wafic
  9. Gumble

    Question Post thanks over SSL

    Trying to get rid of the insecure message Not sure where to change <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" To the https Tkx
  10. Nirjonadda

    Bug Unicode fonts not working

    Unicode fonts not working ... Support Please.Need help about Unicode font. Is ok when i save the text with unicode font. But when i reload the page the texts are broken.
  11. D

    Bug German umlauts not showing properly

    Dear all, I have currently purchased and installed this product and having issues with German umlauts. The ö,ä,ü,ß are showing up as Chat-text, no issue there, but in the sticky, in the users-name and in commands (like close = Schließen) its showing as "?"-charakter. Can you please help to fix...
  12. viper357

    Bug first word mentions not working

    Hi, I have discovered a problem with the mentions, I'm not sure but I think this might have started after I upgraded to 2.0.5. a few weeks ago. If someone mentions someone in the beginning of a post (the first word of the post is the mention) then the notification does not work, like this...
  13. GoodApples

    White page on dbtech .com

    I have noticed that http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com is a white page. Other pages seem fine. http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/forum.php ;)
  14. A


    Hello there, actually I'm missing a feature in vBulletin that is popular in many social networks as youtube for example. This would be to post a reply instantly recorded via webcam. Till now I must record with the webcam first, then convert, and finally upload it as attachment. Why not an...
  15. T

    Legacy Require user to reply with x characters to rate a thread?

    As the title says.
  16. doctorsexy

    Bug Shout wont edit and missing characters

    Hi ...Shout wont edit and missing characters ...i also see that the one on here wont edit as well...thanks
  17. Nirjonadda

    Question AJAX Threads To Make High Server Load

    Hello I really like AJAX Threads,I have disabled AJAX Threads for high server load cpu usage,I've seen it cause high loads on servers, cause PHP violations, fail to load on all pages...How i can fix this problem? Thanks
  18. twolegit

    Bug probably my new fedora operating system

    i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">...
  19. GoodApples

    Legacy Ajax First (or Last)

    Something like this coded by dbtech may make a nice addition to dbtech Ajax Threads Ajax First (or Last) Post Collapsable Hack
  20. G

    Legacy good features

    Hi All, if your guys can look there search feature & link back to thread feature its really nice to see those in DBtech thread ratings [AJAX] Helpful Answers - Post Rating System (plus many sub-features) - vBulletin.org Forum thanks Gowri