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  1. V

    vB Optimise with CDN

    hello there, i am using CDN for my vbulletin forum. will vB Optimise will help even when site is already optimized with CDN?
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    Question User Tagging vs Thread Tagging

    Hello, I just noticed that all the users being tagged with "User Tagging" are also becoming "Thread Tags" automatically. It is messing the nice tag cloud of my forum by including usernames in it. I dont want this. So, kindly tell me how I can disable option in "User Tagging" hack to tag...
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    Bug Is it a bug?

    After uploading file, I am trying to add thumbnail BUT it says: Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/abcdef/importantvb4data/downloads/5-thumb-page_002.jpg' for writing: No such file or directory in [path]/dbtech/downloads/core/class_resizer.php on line 84 Warning...
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    Question Suggestion Required

    Hello, I've vBDownloads installed for the purpose of uploading PDF Books. Authors upload their books in text form (low size) as well as in scanned form (high size). PDF Books ranges from 1MB to about 150MB. There could be more big PDF Books BUT this is not a issue because books can be uploaded...
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    Question How can I clear "Latest Transactions" log?

    Hello Darkwaltz4, How can I clear "Latest Transactions" log?
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    Bug vBDownloads=vBError [Just Kidding]

    Now there is another problem. I have set 100MB for PDF files (also set 100MB in php.ini for file uploads). I tried to upload 13.1MB pdf file and it says: The file(s) uploaded were too large to process. AND one more problem. I have succeeded in uploading a 3.86MB pdf file BUT its description is...
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    Bug Uploading Error

    Every time I upload a file I get the error 0 I had just fixed the category configuration so I was wondering if maybe something from the query messed it up or if I need to go in and fix something.
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    Legacy Limit Downloads

    Hello there, Here is a hack which features should be implemented into vBDownloads. Features are: I am not your customer so my words dont have any value. But I'm sure your customers would appreciate these features.
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    Question Help

    Hello, I want to change background colors. Please see following image and help me that how I can change them (if changing of colors is possible).
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    Legacy Author & Uploader - Different

    Hello! In Downloads II, when a member upload a file OR link to any file, he is asked to enter the name of Author of that file. That member (uploader/linker) is marked as Uploader while Author of the file is shown what actual Author name was entered. May be I am wrong but It seems vBDownloads...
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    Trophy Management

    Hi. Can we create new trophies in vBActivity Pro? I am going to create a special trophy for my premium members and I want to show it with their username BUT I dont know if a trophy can be assigned to individual members or not. Will you please tell me if this facility is present or not in...
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    AddOn Some Info Needed

    Hello, For a modification, to use vBCredits in it, I need following info: Custom Table: Enter your table name including prefix for Custom Units System = ??? Custom Field: Enter your field name for Custom Units System = ??? Custom User Field: Enter your userid field name for Custom Units System...
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    New Donation from USERNAME!

    Hi, How can I change user id from which message is sent when someone donates using vBShop?
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    AddOn ONLY Points of vBActivity

    Hello there, I have installed vBActivity and vBCredits. I have deleted Credits and using ONLY Points of vBActivity. Now, when I am trying to donate, following error occurs: "Transferring of this currency has not been configured." How I can configure transferring of this currency?
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    How and Why ??

    Hello! I have a question for all those who are using vBActivity Pro and using .vBActivity Awards. Can you please point out for me that how vBActivity Awards are better than Yet Another Awards System? I am currently using Lite version of vBActivity and Yet Another Awards System but if...
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    Database error

    Hello there, I have installed vB Optimise in vB4.0.4PL1 and I am receiving database error emails while my site is running fine. The error is:
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    Five Questions

    Hi, I have four questions: Can vBShop use vBActivity points? Can vBShop use vBExperience points? Can vBShop use vBCredits points? Tell me all others points systems/mods compatible with vBShop. I have question related to vBShop, vBActivity and vBCredits, which forum is the best place to ask it?
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    vBExperience vs vBActivity

    Hello, I was using vBExperience with my vB3.7 and then with 3.8 too. Now I have upgraded to vB4 and confused what should I install; vBExperience or vBActivity. Since one day I kept thinking about it but couldn't be able to decide. A short moment ago I installed vB on localhost and tested both...