Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Question 2.0.19 forum.php redirect

    I need a little more info on the new - The "Force Forum Directory Index" will now also redirect requests from forum.php option. After the upgrade to 2.0.19 I've had an infinite redirect loop somehow and want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Long time ago I have made some changes to...
  2. J

    Website problems - facebook plus ghostery

    I've got problems accessing your site or the past 2 weeks. I'm using recent Safari plus Ghostery (sort of an adblock, but I'm using it to disable facebook). I get the following errors whenever I try to acces either the forum or client area: PHP Warning: session_start(): The session id is too...
  3. J

    Bug Double footer links

    Some time ago the footer links started to display twice. I tried to find the reason fot his behaviour but couldn't really figure out anything. Any idea what might be the reason?
  4. J

    Bug database error upgrading to 2.0.6 from 2.0.5

    You need to add a comma in the end of line #6 in a file /dbtech/dbseo/install/206.php: Currently it is: (4, 'dbtech_dbseo_analytics_disabled', 1, 'validate', 'gaenabled', 'index.php?do=save&filedo=home&dogroup=analytics&setting[dbtech_dbseo_analytics_active]=1', 'post', UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) And...
  5. J

    Legacy Strange error - regex in blogs

    Hi, I've been playing with rewrite rules for the past 30 minutes, writing a lot of debugs into the error_log. And I have it fixed on my server - all I needed to do was to resave the dbseo/includes/filter.php with utf-8 encoding. Which makes a lot of sense - there's a defintion for character...
  6. J

    Legacy Strange error - regex in blogs

    The file is encoded properly - hasn't been modified in any way... I'm using Custom Character Filter in url rewrite settings - Replace Non-Latin Characters and the format I used in vbseo: 'ą' => 'a' 'ć' => 'c' 'ę' => 'e' 'ł' => 'l' 'ń' => 'n' 'ó' => 'o' 'ś' => 's' 'ź' => 'z' 'ż' => 'z' 'Ą' =>...
  7. J

    Legacy Strange error - regex in blogs

    ...Database error in DragonByte SEO 2.0.0 Beta 5: Invalid SQL: SELECT userid FROM vb_user WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(ć|[cÇc])w[iÌÍÎÏìíîï](Ä™|[eÈÉÊËèéêë])r(ć|[cÇc])(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(Ć„|[nŃń])([uÙÚÛÜùúûü”]|u|Æ|æ)t(Ä...
  8. J

    Legacy Jquery, old version, multiple includes

    Ok, thanks for clarification. I wasn't aware that you use customjquerypath vb setting for path generation. I hope it will work with 1.11.2 + migrate 1.2.1... Vbulletin 4.2 is getting old extremely fast. How I wish there was a way to make it faster and responsive, lose all of those YUI stuff...
  9. J

    Legacy Jquery, old version, multiple includes

    This is not only related to Advanced Thanks - this is the problem of all your modules. I know you are aware of this, because it keeps coming back from time to time, but I think it is high time you do something about it. Almost every extension I have from you, be it paid or free, includes it's...
  10. J

    Bug Disabled vbActivity - Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found

    Hi Fillip H., Couldn't make the ftp access this week and decided to uninstall the vbActivity product. This caused a breakdown on threadview. I nailed it down to DragonByte Tech: Postbit Tabs (Lite) v. 1.1.2. I found out that it still kept information on vbactivity content in tabs, but even...
  11. J

    Bug Warnings when stats recounting

    Since I can't disable activity at the moment, I'm trying to enable it again. I've started with stats refresh and went to maintenance. But I get a lot of warnings, seems like they're coming from vbAnsers type of achievments: Warning: Declaration of vBActivity_Type_problemsposted::action() should...
  12. J

    Bug Disabled vbActivity - Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found

    Yes. I have disabled the product. I have retried it few seconds ago - re-enabling for a second and disabling it again. Same result - same error. I am also using vbOptimize.
  13. J

    Bug Disabled vbActivity - Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found

    I have disabled vbActivity on my forum (but didn't uninstall it) and since then vbAnswer gives me an error when users post a new topic: Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found in forum/dbtech/vbanswers/includes/class_dm_problem.php on line 191 Can you look into this? At this moment I really...
  14. J

    Bug google on printthread?

    I have a strange problem since morning and I'm not sure it's dbseo. But I'm going to post here and maybe it is somehow connected. I get notifications on sql server timeouts from a single url to printthread.php: UPDATE vb_session SET lastactivity = 1423237883, location =...
  15. J

    Question Theory of moving from vbulletin+dbseo to IPS

    Ok, thanks. It's an awfully difficult decision to make. But I just can't hold on vbulletin 4 much longer...
  16. J

    Question Theory of moving from vbulletin+dbseo to IPS

    I am evaluating my options regarding vbulletin 4.2 getting old and 5.1 not getting good enough. No decisions have been made yet, I just need to wrap my head around possible scenarios. It seems that there is a way to migrate from vb+vbseo to ips - by disabling vbseo but keeping it installed and...
  17. J

    Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

    I have the logs enabled. Tomorrow is fine. Thanks for taking care :-)
  18. J

    Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

    OK. I'm on 1.3.0. Persistent URLs off, databases in sync, replication works.
  19. J

    Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

    I'm on 1.2.8 currently, and I want to confirm the steps. I'm going to 1. disable persistent url 2. upgrade dbseo keeping master-slave config to the current version 3. re-enable persistent url is this correct?
  20. J

    Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

    Maybe I'll change to a single database for the installation time and revert back afterwards?