Inexplicable Things you Encounter in the "Real World".

Diana Notacat

There you are having a totally normal day. Then BAM something weird happens. Not just plain weird, but "WTF?!" out of nowhere, totally taken by surprise weird.


...So the other week, my friend and I were going to get some gas in my van. We drove down the street when SUDDENLY NINJAS. In a clearing at the side of the road, this ninja in orange took off running. He was being chased by a group of ninja in black. When they caught up with him, there was a ninja beat down, even including one of the ninjas video taping the whole thing.

Mind you, I don't live in a big city anymore where stuff like this happens due to conventions or things like that. No, this is a tiny little itty bitty town surrounded by cows. AND THEN SUDDENLY NINJA.

We were very confused that day.
I remember going on holiday once to somewhere a while ago, and i'd never been there before but when i went to the town i knew exactly where i was and where certain shopps where even though i'd never been before. All i remember is remembering i'd seen the place somewhere, but i couldn't put my finger on it. I then realised i'd had a dream probably a year or so before i went to this place and i was in the same town in the dream doing something (if i remember rightly i was fighting someone with a sword casting spells and things.

Dang right weird moment!