
  1. inoputro

    Question Can't Instal XML DBSEO

    I've bought DBSEO I'm now trying to install I have to enter everything in the folder uploud but I have trouble installing the product ntuk XML I have tried for hours but could not installed, just "Importing Product, Please Wait ..." what is wrong?
  2. M

    Question Postion and Layout when Adding a Review

    Hi There, Really happy to come across this product, very useful to our forum, so must say thank you very much. However am having a problem regarding the layout of the review product. When you click on add the review, It is out of position and alignment of text boxes incorrect. Would...
  3. Hoof Hearted

    Question Sitemap Error

    Hello all, Gotta say first - Amazing Product! Luff it :) How do I fix this? Fatal error: Class 'vB_Types' not found in /home/siglab/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php on line 2456 Line 2456: AND contenttypeid = '" . vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Album') . "'...
  4. R

    Bug subscriber list as blank

    Above is the list of subscriber it has started showing. Above is the list of newsletter, it shows the code .
  5. Nirjonadda

    Breadcrumbs in Navbar

    Breadcrumbs in Navbar does not show forum and thread Info.
  6. J

    Question vBTubePRO stops working with SEO active

    Hi, Hope you can help me out with this. I have vBTubePRO running in my forum and all works great to i enable DB SEO and just the main page will be displayed on Vtube, all other links redirect me to my forum home page. I think it is due to vBTubePRO ReWriteRule as follows # vBTube...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Disable Notices

    Please can you add option Disable Notices from donate page (/vbdonate.php?do=donate) ?
  8. GaWd

    Question Shoutbox Archive - Where is it?

    How can I get to the archive? It's enabled in settings, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, and neither can my users/ Thanks!
  9. M

    Legacy Disable Postage - Let them contact each other

    My members are quite used to doing the postage in either PM or using the Pm system to call each other. Since you implemented the checks (one of the betas I posted about) that made members HAVE to use the postage system we are getting hardly any members selling. In our old forums and dbtech...
  10. R

    Question List for files to exclude?

    Is there a list for all that files we should exclude from rewriting? Yesterday i found out that the relative url for my .css war rewritten wrong, now i am afraid that more inludes int the source will be wrong. I am shure that this problem was solved many times before, so i ask if there is a list...
  11. X

    Question Latest PM's in ACP

    in acp on homepage this section does not appear latest pms Sent eg this screen shot I copied from another thread here on site its not mine c/p as I needed an example I have tried everything, triple checked to ensue option was enabled ...disabled and reenabled ... What am I missing?
  12. scottct1

    Bug Question Before Purchase

    I want to buy your package, but I am having trouble with the light version. The way I am setup, my default tab in Navigation manager is the "Forum" When I enable your product, if a user does something like clicks on new posts (which is a search), the line of options on the second row...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Disable by Style ID

    Please can you Add option to disable by style ID. (Disable for some/mobile styles)
  14. J

    Bug Slow Forum when DBSEO is installed

    Hello Since i installed this mod on my forum, it has become very slow, it is also crashing sometimes and causing very high mysql usage & CPU usage. I cannot see anything suspicious in mysqld.log file nor in the apache error log file. Any ideas why this is happening ? If i disable the mod...
  15. GeekLingo

    Bug Doesn't work on 5.1.1a9

    Can confirm that it doesn't work on my install of 5.1.1a9. I get the same error I do with all the DB mods on 5.1.1: There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered It seems to be something to do with this hook: dbtech_usertag_footer. If I disable that, I can load my site up ok...
  16. W

    Bug Trying to get to work on vb 3.8.X site that has never used VBSEO

    Not sure I want to re-write all the URL's to start out with as all our old forum URL's are seo'd as they exist today. Basically I installed the product and turned it on and whenever I click on a thread in the "new threads" list, I get: Not Found The requested URL...
  17. I

    Question External links tracking redirect-to?

    Recent install of DBSEO. Under dbseo cp -> SEO Settings -> Google Analytics Settings we have Google analytics enabled and settings are configured to track external links, with External Link Clicks Format as /forums/outgoing/ ... however, on the forum, the external links are formatted as...
  18. K

    Question how to completly disable url rewrite

    hi i really dont like url rewrite and everytime it has many conflict or "page not found" or .... so how can i desable it in DB Seo? specially this one: URL Part Separator its get "Page not found" when xml sitemap from dbseo will send and all urls are get this error from google
  19. GoodApples

    Question Disable Postage Country

    I've set up two Currencies and wish to have only two Countries list for the postage but the user can see under Postage Options all Countries listed. I don't wish to remove them from the Country Code Manager but I'm thinking it's the only option? Can the Countries be disabled from the Postage...
  20. M

    Bug Many Link Problems

    Hi i have any Problems with Links in Threads/Posts. 1. If i clicked an Link in an Post that go to another Thread in the Forum, it´s open in a new Browserwindow. 2. if i copy a link from the CMS in an Forumthread, they CMS Post Titel will not displayed, only complet Url. if i copy Forum links...