Bug Wrong Visualization

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Hi there,
I have installed the plugin.
But in this forum it not visualized good.
I add an item
and when I click on the "Classified" button, the body of the plugin come like this


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It looks like it's your style conflicting in some way. Is it possible to have a look at the page question so I can see what's missing for you? :)
For now you need to find this section in the CSS templates:

#searchbar .group.multifield

And then change:

max-width: 43%;


max-width: 50%;

I think there is a way of fixing this code that I'll look into, but that will sort you out in the mean time. :)
Hi Mokonzi,
testing the plugin I have found many bugs and of visualization problems.
Can you please give a look to my site and try to fix the plugin that is really unusable.
I have found also many bugs...

If you disable all the usersgroup to see the plugin, by setting to "no" to all options in their usergroups
the plugin will be showed in a very wrong way but is visualized... and don't must be if i have set that all usergroup cannot see nothing of the plugin (just for test)

Then in the classified page the upside bar of classifieds go out the page and not few....

Also if in a subforum there are also some threads it will add 4 bar and not 2.

In this installation I have, also the items have a number near that don't must be there....

The bars have not colour on the background.

The visualization of an item is corrupted...

So like this I cannot use the plugin, so, can you please give a look and see how to fix this issues?
This can be also helpful for your next installations to see what don't work properly and need a fix....

And also the "Item Wanted" vertical bar in the home page of the plugin is really useless... very few users will ask to buy something... and in this way the plugin have more space unused that can be used to visual others items.
That space it should have a gallery in the next future to appear really nice, but for now (maybe for the next release we are waiting...) you can remove that bar "Item Wanted" and use that space to create another list of classifieds. In this way it will look more better.

So I'm sending you the login to my site to show you all these issues.

Thanks in advance
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Hi there,

Can you please test the product using the default vBulletin skin and see if these issues still occur?

If they don't please contact your skin developer, as he has coded the skin in a way that causes these issues, and we cannot change the product as it could break compatibility with default skins etc. He may be able to make the skin more standardised to resolve the problems.
Hi Cosmic,

My templates are Premium templates with the last upgrade released in august and just update.

I have installed the plugin in two different forum and in both I have visualization problems, so...

I have bought this plugin, 2 times, so I will like to use it.

I will write you a PM to show you all these errors.
Hi Cosmic,

My templates are Premium templates with the last upgrade released in august and just update.

I have installed the plugin in two different forum and in both I have visualization problems, so...

I have bought this plugin, 2 times, so I will like to use it.

I will write you a PM to show you all these errors.

Hi Marko,

Are these issues showing up on the default vBulletin skin/theme? If not you need to speak to the skin creators to have the issues resolved. For obvious reasons we cannot guarantee compatibility with third party skins, nor provide support for issues they have with our mods.
I'll take a look at the issue and see what's causing. For me there are no bars showing... I'm using Chrome, what browser are you using?
It's unusual for listing names to be as long as you have them there which is part of the problem.

You can try this:

Find in the css template:
.listingbitmini, #featuredrotator .featured .listingbitmini.featured {

And remove the section for height from that CSS definition.

To adjust the height (which is currently set at 100%, not sure if you've made a change there) means creating a specific height for this CSS definition:
#sellersitems {

You may also then need to adjust the height option in this definition to around 95-97% to fix over-spill.
#sellersitems .container {

I've spent some time testing this out on my site and I can confirm there is an issue here when using more than 5 or 10 items in the seller's other items list.

To make this work really well I'll include a more ideal solution to this in Version 2. In the meantime the code changes above should fix it for you on your site. :)

Thanks for identifying the issue.
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