Question What causes an item to go inactive?

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I previously asked about usergroups changes, and I have another thing that's come up that I'd like to ask ya about. I'm noticing that after some testing that usergroup change inventory items tend to go inactive and can no longer be disabled or hidden. What causes an item in the inventory to go inactive? And how do I make them active once again for members? At one time they were active for members and could be hidden but they no longer are. I'm just dumbfounded why every other item added to the shop is active and can be hidden but usergroup changes goes inactive and was hoping that there is a reason for this so that I can reverse it and make them active again. If there isn't a way in the shop itself, there has to be a way in the database to make them all active, or a code I can add/change in the files. I would like for all items to always be active and have the ability to be hidden.
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Items that have a duration, and the duration has expired, will be shown with the greyed out checkboxes you're referring to :)
Fillip H. But the duration to all usergroup change items is 0 (permanent) and they are still grayed. They've always been set 0 but aren't active when I create new ones of that item type. How do I make them active?
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Ah, usergroup change items are hardcoded to always be inactive, because it doesn't have an effect you can toggle on or off.
Fillip H. that explains it. But is there a code I can add in the proper file(s) to make them active again? The secondary usergroup additions I have add ranks to members profiles that they sometimes want to hide at times (without discarding), and they can't be hidden unless the item is active to begin with.
Open /dbtech/vbshop_pro/items/usergroupchange.php and comment out $item['_nodeactivate'] = true; :)
Fillip H. thanks, but it seems usergroup item change can't be hidden. I've clicked hidden but nothing comes from it and the ranks remain. Is there a code that enables an item to be hidden that is missing in the usergroup change file?
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What do you mean, the ranks remain? Usergroup changes cannot be undone or otherwise hidden from vBulletin, if that's what you mean.
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