vBAvatars changing dimensions?

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New member
so uhm. is it possible to change the dimensions of the parts?

oh and, how does the vbavatars pro 'add your own layers' work? do you position it or is it a predefined area?
You can change the dimensions of the avatar via vBulletin Options, but you have to manually resize the part images if you do :)

The Layers allow you to use more parts together.

For instance, with just a layer called "Clothing" you'd be forced to choose between a shirt or pants. With 2 layers, Shirt and Pants, you can have both :)
There is a little helpful guide in the Pro section for changing layer position/adding layers but if your stuck then i'd recomend puting your layers in the following order:

1 Shoes
2 Bottoms
3 Tops
4 Mouth
5 Nose
6 Eyes
7 Hair
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