vBActivity & Awards v3.1.4 Released

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

Recently, it was discovered that the "All Awards" page could fail to render properly if a forum has handed out a lot of Awards. For this reason, we're releasing vBActivity & Awards v3.1.4 in order to address this issue as well as improve consistency between the different displays on both the "All Awards" and "All Achievements" pages.

If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBActivity & Awards v3 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum or here vBActivity & Awards v3 (vB3) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

Complete Change Log

vBActivity & Awards v3.1.4

General / Other
  • The "All Awards" Encyclopedia entry will now use the same display style as the "All Achievements" page, reducing clutter when a lot of awards have been granted
  • The phrases for Encyclopedia entries have been altered slightly to improve readability
  • If Achievements were disabled from profiles, the notifications should now clear as intended when clicking on them

As always, thank you for your continued support :)

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