vB5 Mods Updated!

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

The following modifications released for vBulletin 5 Connect have now been updated to support the recently released 5.0.2:
If you like the products, you can show your support by visiting the links above and clicking Installed, nominating them for Mod of the Month and also please rate them to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

Complete Change Log (All Modifications)
Change: Now requires vBulletin Connect 5.0.2 to run
Change: Reduced memory usage by reworking the way the mod caches things to take advantage of vB5's built-in long-term cache storage
Change: Modules in the Site Builder are now grouped under the "DragonByte" category rather than the "Display" category
Fix: Modules in the Site Builder now once again have titles

As always, thank you for your continued support :)

Discuss this news here.
Update: Issues have been discovered in the User Profile Settings pages for some of these mods.

I will release another update once these issues have been addressed.