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New member
I'm currently running vb 4.2 and I have a few of your mods which I really like. My question is If I update to vb5 down the road will I be able to move my licence to the new forum.

There is a small surcharge to moving licences to vB5 compatible versions - for replacements, it's 25% of the cost of a new licence. For a dual vb4/vb5 licence, it's 50% of the cost of a new licence.

This is to cover the additional cost to port & support the vB5 version - our mods all have to be completely re-created to work on vB5 :)
So to clarify, someone buys a 1 year hack today (for 4.2.1) for 20.00 and then next year they upgrade to 5.x and it will cost them 25% of what they originally paid (20.00) OR 25% of what it will cost in a year?

Can they also upgrade to 'lifetime' status? How much more is that going to set them back?
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So to clarify, someone buys a 1 year hack today (for 4.2.1) for 20.00 and then next year they upgrade to 5.x and it will cost them 25% of what they originally paid (20.00) OR 25% of what it will cost in a year?
At the time of writing, we have not increased the price of any license that also had a vB5 upgrade available, so a decision on whether to also adjust the upgrade price has not been reached.

Can they also upgrade to 'lifetime' status? How much more is that going to set them back?
The percentages do not change for each license length; in other words, it would be 25% of the cost of the lifetime license.
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