Question VB Activity

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One of our members has, for some unknown reason, been given 20005.699999999997 points for Activity Target Type Weekly Activity. Obviously there is an error somewhere.

Is it possible to change this in some way?

Many thanks
That's due to MYSQL floating point numbers, there's no way around that as far as I know, sorry :(
Thanks, I understand the floating point numbers bit, but he couldn't have possible gained over 20,000 points in a week for activities.

Is there a way that I change that number of points?
Oh, I'm sorry, I was answering from my phone and I completely misunderstood your meaning, I'm with you now :)

Can you run the following query and see if that gives you any hints:
SELECT pointslog.*, type.typename 
FROM dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog AS pointslog
LEFT JOIN dbtech_vbactivity_type AS type ON(type.typeid = pointslog.typeid)
WHERE pointslog.userid = ? 
ORDER BY pointslog.pointslogid DESC
(Replace ? with the User ID of the affected user, and add your table prefix if you use one in your config.php file)

This should tell you, in order of most recent going backwards, what they earned points for. If there's a single action that gave them thousands of points more than it should, that will be revealed by running that query :)

Let me know if you run into problems running that query or if you need assistance interpreting the results :)
Many thanks for that. I have run that query and I am getting the following results

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1146
error desc: Table 'rwfforum_vb4.dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog' doesn't exist
Did you remember to add your table prefix? You can find this in the config.php file :)
Hello Blue6995,

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