Legacy Standard Descriptions depending on category

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Hi there!

I´d like to set standard descriptions for my downloads. So if anyone uploads a file there´s a predefined description in the field (for important general notes on the file) that can be extended by the uploading user´s own description. Is there any way to do this by easy template mods?

Probably, if you decide to make a feature of it, it would be nice if it could be set for each category and if I could decide if it´s changeable/deleteable by the uploading user or not.

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So for now do you just want a way to specify a description for all uploads? We can tweak it easily enough to do that. Making it so you have a default description per category with the ability to disable the user from editing it would definitely need to be put in a feature release though.
ACP -> Language & Phrases -> Phrase Manager

Click Add New Phrase button

Phrase Type: GLOBAL
Product: Dragonbyte Tech: vBDownloads
Varname: dbtech_downloads_default_desc
Text: Your text, whatever you want the default description to be.

Click Save

Open dbtech/downloads/actions/upload.php

At about line 101 find
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar(" ", false , 'nonforum', true, true, false, 'qr', 'vB_Editor_001');

replace with

$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar($vbphrase['dbtech_downloads_default_desc'], false , 'nonforum', true, true, false, 'qr', 'vB_Editor_001');

That should do it for now :)
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