Legacy Speeding up the of rendering Main Page category images

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Speeding up the rendering of Main Page category images

The "Physical Image" setting works great everywhere but the "Main Page" when displaying categories. I'm still seeing a very slow image render on this page. It may be do to the category background images. The speed everywhere else is great now, but unfortunately right now the first page users come to is still the slowest. Not sure what can be done. I'm personally not a big fan of the category background image.

I believe an admin option to shut off the current background image would work well. Also, I believe allowing the admins the option to either supply their own separate category image for each category or to use a random image from the category as it does currently.

I believe with these small changes the speed and function of the main page will be on par with the rest of the mod.
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I agree with you. The background image with the latest image superimposed over it was a great idea in theory, but I just can't get it to move fast enough through php to be worth it. I'll see what I can get in there to fix it.
Are you still planning on removing or changing how the background image works?

I'd like to move completely over to using this mod, but the display speed on the main page was still getting complaints when I was last testing it.
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