Legacy Site work

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I sent another message and haven't heard back. I am working on a site for a guy and want to buy the lifetime subscription to DBSEO. I also want it installed, set up and branding free, also want to have the rep power changed to show rep points on the site, upgraded to 4.2.3, also auto backups set up for daily backups on my site through the server. Please let me know as soon as you can start this and I will buy the services. thank you.
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i want to buy the lifetime subscription to DBSEO. I also want it installed, set up and branding free,
I've configured your site cart to contain these items: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/store/checkout/

also want to have the rep power changed to show rep points on the site
You can achieve this by editing postbit_legacy and changing {vb:raw post.reppower} to {vb:raw post.reputation} :)

upgraded to 4.2.3
This is something that would be charged at our $75/hr rate, and would require you to take complete DB and file system backups as well as provide me with the vB 4.2.3 .zip file and your vB Customer Number.

also auto backups set up for daily backups on my site through the server.
Do you have cPanel on your site? If so, we'd be able to assist with this as well.
Great thank you! I just went to checkout and my cart changed from 234 to over 300 and now says the coupon expired 2 minutes ago. Can I get any help with this or should I just wait for the next sale?

Thank you for the tip on how to change the settings.

The upgrade price is fine it shouldn't be more than an hour to complete??? I have all the required information and files.

Yes I have cpanel. Thank you and let me know. Hope I didn't miss out on the sale if so I will get with you guys next time.

Thank you for the quick response and help.
Great thank you! I just went to checkout and my cart changed from 234 to over 300 and now says the coupon expired 2 minutes ago. Can I get any help with this or should I just wait for the next sale?
The expiry time had a countdown, I've extended it for another 6 or so hours.

The upgrade price is fine it shouldn't be more than an hour to complete??? I have all the required information and files
There's no telling how long it would take, which is why we have to give you an hourly rate and not a fixed price unfortunately.
THANK YOU!!!! I have paid in full and looking forward to getting this done as soon as possible! Thank you very much for the generosity. Once this is complete let me know. Thank you and more business to come your way soon.
Please also provide the .htaccess username & password as requested, I am unable to login to your AdminCP at this time.
Please let me know where to find that info through private message. i have sent every log in and password that i have. Let me know where to find the htaccess login and password or how to because I have no clue. Thanks for the help.
This appears to be a password protection applied in cPanel. If you log in to your cPanel at https://brotherhoodofpain.com:2083 then go to Directory Privacy -> click the folder icon next to "public_html" -> click the word "admincpsun".

The "Password protect this directory." will have a checkbox next to it, which is ticked.

If you scroll further down, you'll see "Authorized Users" - you should recognise at least one of the usernames there. You or someone else added one or more user(s) to this list and set a password, which you at one point will have filled out and saved this information in your browser.

I have used the information you gave me during the Pro Install to add a new user for myself, this is for your reference only :)
Update: The Pro Install has now been complete, and I'm setting up the backup functionality on your site now.
Update: The Pro Install has now been complete, and I'm setting up the backup functionality on your site now.

Awesome! Thanks so much for all the help and setting that up for me.

So the SEO is set and configured? Do I need to add in anything like the keywords? Do I have to have Google analytics going?

I also have installed automatic thread tagger from content and title. Do you think it would be best to uninstall that and only use the tag option in this SEO or do you have a tag mod as well? Let me know what you think will be best. Anything to make my site even more extremely optimized let me know.

One last thing thank you so much for setting up the daily back ups for me. I appreciate that. Where do I find them on the server to download them at?

Thank you for the great service. I will be doing a lot more business with you. You guys have the best mods!
One more thing I thought of also was I have the mod limited guest viewing so you can only see 4 threads before you are redirected to register will that mess up my seo as well?
So the SEO is set and configured?
It is :)
Do I need to add in anything like the keywords?
Not unless you want to target certain keywords.
Do I have to have Google analytics going?
It will help with tracking statistics, but it's not required.
I also have installed automatic thread tagger from content and title. Do you think it would be best to uninstall that and only use the tag option in this SEO or do you have a tag mod as well?
We used to use that mod, but DBSEO handles the same functionality :)
One last thing thank you so much for setting up the daily back ups for me. I appreciate that. Where do I find them on the server to download them at?
I believe they are in /backups on your server - you'll need to connect to SSH via a FTP client in order to download them.
One more thing I thought of also was I have the mod limited guest viewing so you can only see 4 threads before you are redirected to register will that mess up my seo as well?
It will, yeah. You should either ensure it can exclude search engines or if it cannot, disable that modification.
The limited guest viewing. How can I make sure it can exclude search engines? I am sure you know how to do it. if it is better to leave it off than don't worry about it.

Thank you for the amazing service.

I would also like to increase my SEO even further is this something you can do? i want to have my site climb the rankings even more.

I would also like to hire you to upgrade my forum, but I am wondering should I wait? I don't want to upgrade and then a week later another upgrade comes out to upgrade again. Do you have a service where you will take care of those for a certain amount of time? Like a year or something?

I have been a big client of SEOVB for about 2 years and looking for someone to maintain and go through my forum to clean up any trash in it and keep it updated when it is needed. I always pay and don't just talk about what i want to be done i will actually pay for it and you can ask SEOVB about me. just tell them my email address and they will tell you.

Let me know and again thank you for the amazing service.
Sorry for the delay :(

The limited guest viewing. How can I make sure it can exclude search engines? I am sure you know how to do it. if it is better to leave it off than don't worry about it.
I don't believe that's possible at this time, sorry :(

I would also like to increase my SEO even further is this something you can do?
Unfortunately there's no "magic bullet" - the only other things that can be done to improve SEO would be to rewrite vBulletin completely from scratch with SEO in mind for the HTML, but that's outside the scope of what we can do at this time.

I would also like to hire you to upgrade my forum, but I am wondering should I wait? I don't want to upgrade and then a week later another upgrade comes out to upgrade again. Do you have a service where you will take care of those for a certain amount of time? Like a year or something?
vBulletin 4.2.3 is likely to be the last release of vBulletin 4, short of maybe another update for PHP 7 compatibility.
Hey thanks for all the help. Been getting a database error when doing full system backups on the site and now today i am randomly getting database errors and site is timing out

Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/brotherh/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_db.php on line 204

Database error in DragonByte SEO 2.0.17:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (11)

MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Saturday, January 30th 2016 @ 10:44:40 PM
Error Date : Saturday, January 30th 2016 @ 10:44:40 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database
MySQL Version :

Let me know what I can do. Thanks.
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