Legacy Prefix threshold rule to buttons

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I think it would be useful to add a feature to allow for the prefix of a thread to be changed based on threshold rules. For example, I recently added a button that allows users to vote on the best answer. So if a thread has a post that has a best answer, the prefix is changed to "Answered".

I realize that you already have the answers mod that kind of does this, but it doesn't exactly fit my needs as well as this would.
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Hmm, could you elaborate on your needs a little? Maybe there's a way to make vBAnswers fit easier than this :)
Hmm, could you elaborate on your needs a little? Maybe there's a way to make vBAnswers fit easier than this :)

Well, there's a number of things:
  • The way a best answer is displayed & chosen is a bit 'dirty' - I like the instant click of the like/thanks
  • The questions part of the system wouldn't work for my layout
  • I have mixed forums that aren't just question/answer forums. In other words I wouldn't always want a prefix on a thread if it isn't a question - there's no way to handle this without creating separate forums
  • The post highlighting is of the likes/thanks is nice
  • I don't need the quick form
  • Honestly, I don't want another 'system' that has to be managed

The only other thing the likes/thanks is missing is the ability to choose one best answer and give those 'points' to one user
Welp, no hope for modifying that mod then :p Was worth a try!

The only thing that makes me unsure about using the APTL mod for this is that the Thanks count is very variable - what if two posts are neck-in-neck and people vote back and forth?

I think the appropriate thing to do would be to create a cron job that selects threads from forum X that's unanswered hasn't had a response for Y day(s) and flags them, rather than doing it "live" (i.e. on button click). What do you think?
Welp, no hope for modifying that mod then :p Was worth a try!

The only thing that makes me unsure about using the APTL mod for this is that the Thanks count is very variable - what if two posts are neck-in-neck and people vote back and forth?

I think the appropriate thing to do would be to create a cron job that selects threads from forum X that's unanswered hasn't had a response for Y day(s) and flags them, rather than doing it "live" (i.e. on button click). What do you think?

I understand, thanks :)

humm. I hadn't thought of that, but since you're not actually choosing the best answer, I was thinking that if the criteria for number of clicks is met at all then the thread is considered 'answered' even if you have more than one post that have met the criteria. So in that case a cron would probably be the best solution. It would only need to check forums that have the associated button enabled.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a prefix either, just a flag to do 'something' in forumdisplay (i.e. text, icon, color change), and that something can be filled in by the admin. Although, making it a prefix would make the thread searchable with the default system. This could be used for a variety of applications really.
I'll have Cosmic look over this and see if this is something that would fit in the product itself, or whether it's best kept as a bespoke add-on :)
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