
What about making a poke system? Not so much like FB that you just hit a button and it pokes a user but more like a a picture or gift..

Mod would be sort of free standing but with a button to poke or throw something at on profiles, posts, blogs, and so on.. Once you click on the button it will add that user to a poke or throw something at page. Also the page could have a place to add more users to poke or throw something at. Then the member will pick something like an poke, egg, kiss, B-slap, Cake, so one.. It can be tied into the credits and activity also.. Could charge to poke and recieve credits for getting.. Hell the images can be in catagories like Nice, Mean flirt, ect...
Then on the users profile page it would have a tab for the poke system showing others what was thrown or poked and so on..

I had this on Boonex Dolphin site and when I was running that software. Man people had lots of fun.. If interested let me know and will send you a link of there mod to get ideals from.. I been searching all over for a mod like that for VB and found nothing but requests..
Something similar is Random Questions mod. It's not quite the same, but take a look what Random Questions does...
I have that and most there mods here.. Random Questions is just that.. This is more like a poke system but more inhansed then the dumb poke on FB..
Maybe this could be upgrade of functionality for Random Questions? To add this ability too? Just suggestion.