Duplicate Option to exclude own location from being updated?

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Would be great to have an option to disable the update of the own location. I.e. if a users preferred location is set once, the user should be able to disable the update of location if IP address changes. Maybe by a checkbox beside the "opt out" ?
Thanks for reading
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Hello @Jackko,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Member Map. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

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- DragonByte Tech Staff
This is already a feature. If you manually set your own location, it is not updated automatically via your IP address. Your device may still update your location if you've given the site permission to do so, but the cron job will not update your location from your IP.
I don't believe there is functionality for that at this time. You would have to clear the dbtech_membermap_manual column for that user in the xf_user_option table.
Hello @Jackko,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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