Bug No usages could be found in supported content types

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Hash tags no more working after today update. Hash tags containing is [HASH=99]#glitterpits[/HASH]

Oops! We ran into some problems.
No usages could be found in supported content types.
I'm saying I tested this by creating a new hash tag locally, and I can click on it without receiving that message. You need to disable all other modifications then try again.
[HASH=97][/HASH] working but not working then created this [HASH=99]#glitterpits[/HASH], also this not work. Hash ID 98 missing
You may have misunderstood: I need you to disable all other addons and then create a new hash tag (that no-one has used before). Disabling addons is not going to change anything for an existing hash tag.
I need you to disable all other addons and then create a new hash tag (that no-one has used before).


Disabling addons is not going to change anything for an existing hash tag.

but old hash working, new hash not working after today update. hash link are still same, only ID changed.

/usertag/hashes/hibernate.48/ - working
/usertag/hashes/glitterpits.99/ - not working

What happened from today update with other add-on?
Can you please clarify? Are you saying it's not working if the user is only a member of the Registered User group, and no other group?
This hash tag submitted from Registered User group and not working. I have edited this post from Admin account and re-added this hash tag then worked.
Please answer my above question, it's important information. I need to be clear whether that's what you're saying.
No, I can't confirm this even with a user that's only a member of the text group.

This issue is only on your site, so you need to disable all addons then try posting a new post with a new hash tag, as it's likely you have a conflict with one of your installed addons.
I have checked with all add-on disabled. User main usergrop is Registered with one additional usergrop from promotions.

When I have edited from Admin account but not changed the hash tag ID our URL but working the hash tag. Very strange thing, same URL or ID after edited posts. Also old hash tag and new hash tag all are same, only ID and hash title change but not working The new hash tag URL.

Only happened this issue after new version installation.
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DragonByte User Tagging

XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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