Legacy Making profile tabs private?

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Some of our members are asking if it's possible to have the quote/mention profile tabs private, so that they could see it but others cannot. From what I can tell, this doesn't seem to be possible. Is it something you'd consider? Alternatively, could you leave off the tab altogether and just have the notification link to the specific post?

Another question: One of our admins is concerned that if we track every mention, the archive of this will take up server space. (We have over 7,000 active members.) Is it possible to only log either a number of mentions (like 20) or the most recent mentions and have the rest automatically purged? Or an admin function to purge archived mentions older than 30 days?
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Under Usergroup/Usergroup Manager I can see in the Usergroup Permissions for Cannot Thread Tag/Cannot Quote/Cannot Mention. Is there another set of permissions for controling profile tab privacy? Or is that an option in the paid version?
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