Info about DB Infopanel


Hi guys, I would like to have this information on DB Infopanels

1) Is it compatible with Vbulletin 4.2.2?

2) Does the product support the latest news posted on the forum?

3) Maximum number of statistics (eg news) supported?

4) Can it be a replacement for VSA statistics?

5) Is it possible to make a free trial before purchasing?

6) Is it possible to show Infopanels in all templates? Are the statistics shown to registered users and guests?

1) Is it compatible with Vbulletin 4.2.2?
Sure, but you should be running 4.2.5.

2) Does the product support the latest news posted on the forum?
You can configure certain blocks to show only threads from certain forums.

3) Maximum number of statistics (eg news) supported?
It's not recommended to include many more than 5 threads as that could have a negative impact on performance or load times.

4) Can it be a replacement for VSA statistics?
I am unfamiliar with that add-on, sorry.

5) Is it possible to make a free trial before purchasing?
You can download the Lite version from the product's page :)

6) Is it possible to show Infopanels in all templates?
No, only forum home.

Are the statistics shown to registered users and guests?
I do believe so.