Legacy Hiding criteria

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I use this mod along with hide hack Resurrection. I mostly use this one for the dislike button and the custom button. I would really love to get rid of the Hide hack Resurrection altogether but its important to my board. Getting rid of it isn't an option until I find a suitable replacement. Would it be possible to add certain criteria to the "hide" function of this hack?

Cannot see/use thanks/like button without a certain number of post
Cannot see/use thanks/like button without belonging to certain usergroup?

Thanks for all the great work.
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We'll take it into consideration, but do understand that this mod is not designed to be a "HIDE Hack" :)
Thanks and Yes I know that LOL...I know its designed more for the like/dislike functions but since it does "hide" I thought it would be a good addition. Thanks for considering. :)
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