Bug Ending a listing in ACP

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Em Kay

New member
Doesn't seem to work. I have 2 listings I'd like to end, but it just saves and redirects back to the listings manager (In ACP) with the listing still active.
Just taken a look to double check, and yep, it doesn't end. I commented out some code a while back that was causing listings to end incorrectly in the ACP and haven't reenabled it. I'll try and get that sorted, but not sure if I'll get it done before the next update is released as I'm packing up to head back home over the weekend and beginning of next week.
In the next update (v1.1.6) the means to end a listing is again implemented, this time as 'Cancel Listing', which can be from both the list view and also the edit listing pages in the ACP. :)
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