Question Does File Cache Follow TTL ?

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I am curious if i use File Cache, does the add on respect the TTL setting? (for example file content will be updated if file "last modified" file has "expired).

I also use PHP opcache with TTL 60. Do you think it will interfere with File Cache by this add on? :)

Thank you
I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean, the file cache does not cache your forum's files. It's the same as Redis, where it caches queries or certain other things like the data registry.

The PHP Opcache is a compile cache, it caches your PHP files when they have been compiled to bytecode.

They are 100% different and do not interfere in any way.
I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean, the file cache does not cache your forum's files. It's the same as Redis, where it caches queries or certain other things like the data registry.

I mean if i use File Cache, and for example i set "Cache Who's Online" to 60 seconds, Will the file cache of "who's online" be purged / refreshed automatically every 60 seconds?

Thank you.
That's correct. No-one who logs on / logs off within those 60 seconds will be reflected, until such a time as the cache TTL expires.
When i navigated my

I see lot of PHP files, with "Last Modified" time is equal with my current time.
For example now is 00:59 here, and i see "Last modified" of those PHP files is 00:59 too.
I have refreshed the file list several times, and still "Last Modified" time is equal with my current time.

In DBT Optimise, i set all TTL to 10 minutes.

Is it normal that file cache which is cached into PHP file seems to be updated every < 60 seconds ? (according to the "Last Modified" time)

Thank you
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Certain systems may update that flag when the files are accessed as well.
Okay so i tried to turn on only guest cache with 10 minutes TTL.
I tried to refresh cpanel file manager every 2-3 seconds.
I see files are physically deleted, and created often.

I understand when a file is created.

But files are deleted within < 15 seconds after the files are created, although TTL is 10 minutes.

And my forum is very active, there's maybe a post every 5 seconds or so.

Is it normal?

Thank you.
Yes, that's normal, as the forum/thread/post caches all get cleared whenever a new post is created. Furthermore, the Filecache (as well as certain other cachers) do not have the ability to delete only certain cache entries when your cache needs purging ("delete by prefix").

For maximum performance, you should use Redis, as this cacher has the ability to delete by prefix. Other cachers with this capability: APCu and WinCache (Windows OS only).

Filecache should not be used as your main method of caching, unless you disable all caches other than Guest Full Page Caching and Data Registry. All other caches are updated and cleared too frequently.
Yes, that's normal, as the forum/thread/post caches all get cleared whenever a new post is created. Furthermore, the Filecache (as well as certain other cachers) do not have the ability to delete only certain cache entries when your cache needs purging ("delete by prefix").

For maximum performance, you should use Redis, as this cacher has the ability to delete by prefix. Other cachers with this capability: APCu and WinCache (Windows OS only).

Filecache should not be used as your main method of caching, unless you disable all caches other than Guest Full Page Caching and Data Registry. All other caches are updated and cleared too frequently.
That was what i thought, file cache does not have ability to delete certain cache only, so i disabled all other than guest full page caching.

So i only have guest full page caching on.
All others are off.

Yet still file cache are cleared often. :(
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