Question dbtech_registration_session

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Can you explain what the table dbtech_registration_session is used for in my vb database? I'm trying to clean and reduce the size of my database so I can migration to a new host. This table is in the top 3 of my largest at 150 MB. Can I safely empty it's contents without crashing my site? What exactly will happen if I empty it.

Emptying my forumads_impressions helped a lot the other day. I'm now wondering if I can save even more space by emptying this one. Thanks for your help.
This is used to limit the amount of page views each guest can perform before they are forced to register. If you do not use this feature, it is safe to truncate that table.
Once I truncate the table, is it correct that the feature will start to store the info of guest page views again in case I do decide to use it in the future? In essence truncating the table will just restart all guest page views to 0 and they start building again from there.
Thanks Fillip. One last question and I think my database will be as optimized for moving as possible. How about the two tables:

I'd like to empty these also if they will not break anything. I'm ok losing tracking info. I don't really use it at this time
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Legacy Advanced Registration

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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