Question Changing Address Field and Paypal labeling Issue

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I'm using DragonByte eCommerce. However, most of my customers are purchasing for "personal use" and not as a business.

Is there a way I can edit the Add Address so that it doesn't ask for "Business name:" and asks for "Full Name:" instead?

Secondly, is there a way where it can show in Paypal the name of exactly what they are ordering instead of "eCommerce order"?
Is there a way I can edit the Add Address so that it doesn't ask for "Business name:" and asks for "Full Name:" instead?
The explanatory text under that input reads "The name of your business, or your own name if you do not have a registered business. This will appear on your invoice.", which should be sufficient. If you do want to change the phrase, the varname is dbtech_ecommerce_address_business_title.

Secondly, is there a way where it can show in Paypal the name of exactly what they are ordering instead of "eCommerce order"?
No, as the list of items would get truncated by PayPal.
If it’s a physical product, yes, as it contains shipping information.

If digital then no, as this isn’t generally needed for software licenses.
Under Purchase Options, I would like to be able to rename these phrases to what I would like to say.

  • "Receive updates for…"
  • "Your license will receive updates forever."
  • "Lifetime"
  • "Your license will receive updates until"
  • "The update duration may not be relevant to add-on products; the duration is usually tied to the parent product."

Where specifically can I modify each of the phrases above?

Lastly, is there a way to moderate "Digital Transactions". Is so, how and where can I do this?
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You can search for an change phrases via the phrase manager. Every single part of this addon can be translated, so there’s no need to ask for every single line :)
Yes, I understand that, but I don't know what to search for that will bring up the right sections to modify. I tried search for the words above and nothing came up. This is why I would asking where specifically each one is located or what to search to find them.
Thank you! That helps:) When someone orders a digital item and they can click the download button... is there a way to pass variables into a url related to that order? Like Transaction ID, What they purchased, their name... etc...

I would like to be able to pass variables to a website when they click the download button.

Lastly, is there a way to moderate "Digital Transactions". Is so, how and where can I do this?
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You can create a new thread when someone places an order, presuming you use the "order fields" feature to ask users for additional information.

You need to create order fields then associate them with a product. Bear in mind this is per-product, so if your users buy 10 products and each of those products have 5 order fields, that's 50 fields they have to fill out.
Is there a way to make each Support Ticket's private so that only the person who created the ticket and the support agent can see it? If it is possible, what options do I select to do this?

Note: I posted screenshots in a new comment that appears on "Page 2". I'm having a hard time getting the Ticket System functioning correctly.
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Secondly, is there a way where it can show in Paypal the name of exactly what they are ordering instead of "eCommerce order"?
We had a 20-day data loss in the past days. During this period, some products were sold. We wanted to define the products to our customers again. However, we could not see which customer bought which product. Therefore, it is very important for us to write the product name on the paypal page instead of the Order information of the product being sold. Could you please make this feature available for digital products in the next version?

Is there a way to make each Support Ticket's private so that only the person who created the ticket and the support agent can see it? If it is possible, what options do I select to do this?
Change the forum permissions for your support forum, so "View others' threads" is set to No.

Pretty much nothing appears to be working right and I'm not sure why I'm doing wrong. When on the forum, tickets can not be seen using the Support tab, there are no categories listed or ability to submit a ticket. I feel completely lost.
It's very difficult to answer multiple entirely separate questions in the same thread, especially when posted in 4-5 different posts in a row in between each answer. It would be preferable to keep one thread per issue so they can be dealt with separately :)

I'm gonna try to split this topic into multiple topics to avoid anything being missed.

Could you please make this feature available for digital products in the next version?
No, this will not be added for the reasons mentioned in my previous post.
As the original topic has been resolved, I'll close this thread. Please try to limit each ticket to one issue, to avoid confusion.

Thank you.
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DragonByte eCommerce

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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