Bug Coupons for 100% off do not update the “uses” tracker

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New member
Hi Fillip,

I will just copy/paste e-mail here.

"We are almost ready to launch our service but have found a problem with the coupons addon. When we set the coupon to have a limited use ( in this example, 1 time use ) it does not work, and allows it to be used as many times possible. If you create a coupon for 100% off and put the usage to 1, you will see a user can apply it and make the "purchase". However, the value does not drop, it stays at 1 in the database. Then, another user can come and make the exact same purchase with the same code. "
I’ve had to edit the title to something a bit more descriptive, otherwise it would have been impossible to tell what this was in the list of open tickets :)
Great :)

Thank you very much.

Did you manage to get a chance to look at the batch creation of coupons?

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DragonByte User Upgrade Coupons

XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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