Question Claim credits for specified usergroup

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We have a usergroup which we call VIP. Once a month we offer them to claim x amount of credits as part of being a VIP. Currently I just adjust them on every month.

Can this be achieved by using either the paycheck or redeem option? Which would be better to use? I would like this to happen the first day of every month. Is this also possible on either of the above?
I would say this is exactly what the Paycheck event was designed for :)

The XenForo options has a "Paycheck interval", which you could set to 30, to receive it every 30 days.

Unfortunately there is no option to force it to trigger on the first of every month, not at this time.
I would say this is exactly what the Paycheck event was designed for :)

The XenForo options has a "Paycheck interval", which you could set to 30, to receive it every 30 days.

Unfortunately there is no option to force it to trigger on the first of every month, not at this time.

That should do exactly what I need. Will it give a reason for the paycheck in the alert that members receive?
well the original phrase says "You earned {currency} from your paycheck. "

i changed the phrase to "You earned {currency}(every 24 hours).. from your daily paycheck."

you can see here:

i set my paychecks to every day in the settings
paycheck.png at the bottom called "Frequency"

your Frequency would have to setup to 30 if you want them to receive every 30 days

That should do exactly what I need. Will it give a reason for the paycheck in the alert that members receive?
No, it will say You earned {currency} from your paycheck.

The phrase is dbtech_credits_gained_x_y_via_paycheck but editing it will edit it for every Paycheck event, not just the one you're setting up now.
the only problem you will face is you have multiple usergroups with different paychecks at different times, you would have to leave the phrase the same

you can support our suggestion to have multiple phrases here:

click like on first post

Hello @EasyEasy,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Credits has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
Just to confirm this. I have set my paycheck frequency to 30. I take it the first paycheck will happen in 30 days time and not from the day of setting it?
No, the first paycheck will be given A.S.A.P. after creating the event, and then the next one will happen 30 days later.
Skipped transactions will have a status = 3 inside the xf_dbtech_credits_transaction table.
Didnt have that added. Have now added it and also removed paycheck and re added it but still nothing has come through.
A paycheck event will only occur for the relevant users when they next visit the forum, at which point it’ll catch up and retroactively apply any “missed” events.
Check the dbtech_credits_lastpaycheck column in the user table - that is set to the latest time the visiting user was given their paycheck.

You can use to turn it into a human readable date.

The next paycheck will be given after that date + $interval amount of days later.
This is what I got

But I thought you said it would give it an setting it up? So the next paycheck is 14th April?
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